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Politics and the FSM Forums Locked

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Politics and the FSM Forums
Posted by Aaron Skinner on Friday, June 5, 2020 9:20 AM

Forum members,

Given a couple of recent threads, it seems I must repost it.

Politcal and religious comments and discussions of any kind or stripe will not be tolerated on the FSM Forums. Anything that appears to be violate this ban will be immediately deleted without warning or explanation. If you feel the need to post such comments, there are a lot of places on the Internet for such discussions – FSM's Forum is not that place. If the first line of your post is: "I know this will get deleted..." or "This will probably get deleted..." DON'T POST. Habitual offenders will find their accounts suspended. It is worth noting that deleted post are not deleted. Rather they are archived in an adminstrator-only section. This means we can keep track of repeat offenders.

We do everything we can to make the Forums a welcoming spot for modelers of all persuasions to gather and discuss the hobby they have in common. For most that means an escape from the stresses of everyday life. Our intent is to keep it that way.

Thanks for your continuing understanding and assistance.


Aaron Skinner


FineScale Modeler


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