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hello to all

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  • Member since
    November 2005
hello to all
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, February 16, 2003 12:55 AM
some of us get stuck in a rut, some of us never get out. i am one of these. i have no tips that i haven't seen elsewhere. i still get glue on my fingers, and spill the paint. been modeling just for the fun of it for so many years. i have never cared if the color is exactly right because i have never seen anything brand new!. i crewed ch-53 d models in the very early 70's and they were more colors than the rainbow, but mostly faded. i love to read, and then model it helps me "get the feel of things" i really enjoy the lengths that so many modelers go to to get that beautiful job done, it boggles my mind, and i can never find the flaws! (i dont see the wires in movies either) to me modeling is just plain good fun and a chance to learn, and daydream. keep on building!Approve [^]
  • Member since
    January 2003
Posted by JChurch on Sunday, February 16, 2003 9:14 AM
Well said bslash. and welcome.

Yeah I admit sometimes staying true to a subject can take the fun out of a project. It sounds like you have managed to hang onto the fun we all experienced when we started building. Something many of us has lost along the way side, now it is more important to strive for accuracy and detail. I would not say your stuck in a rut, But one of the few that still builds for the shear pleasure of building without all the needless details. You should be a reminder to us all that it's not the destination, it's the journey that counts.

All I ask is a Tall ship'

Madd Dawg

Your not going to leave it like that are you?

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:22 PM
Welcome bslash...

Sounds like your priorities are in the right place!!

  • Member since
    January 2003
Posted by shermanfreak on Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:55 PM
Sometimes we do get too hung up on all the details but it sounds like you have the proper perspective for your own pleasure whether super detailing or O.O.B....pleasure being the key word.

A most hearty welcome.

Happy Modelling and God Bless Robert

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