HI :
I have a U.S.S. SPRUANCE model I need to find a home for .I was given this model to complete or give away or sell .I have decided to give it away . This model was STARTED by the giver.I won't comment on the way the giver built things , as that would be , in my eyes wrong .It's NOT to my standards though .It is complete with screws , shafts , and all that .there is a LOT of upper works completed and NOT installed .The main deck and deckhouse are NOT installed and are built of lexan .
She's not bad , but I don't have the time to complete her , what with the contracts I have and my 1/350 ships (my own collection ) to build . The ship can be a beautiful addition to someone's R.C. or static collection . This appeal is for anyone living between HOUSTON and AUSTIN ,TEXAS .I live in NEW BRAUNFELS ,TEXAS on a limited income so I can't afford to ship something this large .I can however , travel to AUSTIN or HOUSTON and anywhere in between .I would be willing to deliver her to say , HILL COUNTRY HOBBIES in SAN ANTONIO or KINGS in AUSTIN .
I would advise anyone though , if you haven't worked with fiberglass hulls to pass on this model . I believe that anyone with modeling skills ,can make a downright gorgeous model . Here's your chance to get one for free .If you do feel obligated I will accept REVELL'S model of the HORNET/LEXINGTON (the large one ) as payment . otherwise she's totally free . Contact me through the website here . Tanker-builder P.S. She may be missing parts as she has moved all over the southwest in this condition .This model comes with only the hull when new . sooo !