Oh, boy...Cats.
I tell ya, we're down to seven of these house rodents now. Used to have twelve. Most of them are very well behaved but, like people, there are some bad apples. I have at least two of these rotten-fruit-types and they raise holy hell if given the chance. I always tell folks that my cats have test-flown more airplanes than Chuck Yeager!
The past 2 decades have been a research and development period for anti-cat-entry devices around the workshop. We've been tight and secure for the last ten years, but over the past few months there's been 1/1 scale work goin' on around the house. Because of this I've had to "disable" some of these anti-cat devices and, as a result, daily feline infiltration into the A&T lab has increased tenfold.
They're just curious and I realize that, but I have to go out and get some more duct tape and velcro. This cannot go on! LOL
I used to have one that would jump 8 feet up to the top shelf and knock a Sidewinder off an F-14. He musta seen that blue body of the missle and gone nuts or sumthin'...
Then there was the time one of 'em knocked over a shelf unit with no less than two dozen models on it. Grrr....
Oh man, then there was the back hall incident. I had just come back from a Regional and had my hardware-winners in the box on the bench in our back hall. Ran to take care of business, (you would too, after a four hour drive!) and returned to find the box upside down on the floor. Musta left the door open a bit and they went out and jumped up. Hell, they've learned to open doors anyway, so it might not have mattered either way! They are resourceful little creatures.
Yes my friends, if you know felines then you know that true happiness is being owned by a cat! I personally wouldn't have it any other way. I love my FLF's (pronounced "Fluffs" and stands for "Furry Little F....uh...Fellas. Yeah, that's right!) and I wouldn't give them up for the world. To top it off, I'm slightly allergic too! LMAO I'm a glutton for punishment!
Cats, can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em...
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