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Flotsam and Jetsam

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  • Member since
    December 2015
  • From: providence ,r.i.
Flotsam and Jetsam
Posted by templar1099 on Saturday, February 6, 2016 5:54 PM

A recent post of Stickpushers' on inertia during a build elicited a reply I intend to elaborate on. In addition, I find that for every topic I post to there are 2 or 3 I would've liked to but didn't, for one reason or another, I'll address some of these too. My response to having hit the wall with THE SHIP was to resort to a practice I didn't think I would adopt, starting a new subject. While it's a stretch to call it multiple builds it certainly cleared the mental block of flailing aimlessly and indecisively. This is the kit I pulled off the shelf, a 10.00 dollar find.

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This boat went together pretty easily, it only rolled off the display stand once ( snapping off the radar and antennae ) because some moron didn't affix the stand permanently. Wait to I find him. Anyway being a practice kit practice I did. Color modulation,pre-shade,post -shade, full wash,pin wash, 6 different grays,drybrush, blah, blah. Wrapped it up and that was the result. Now when I started back into this hobby I got a Master compressor and 3 Master brushes from Global for under 200.00. One brush worked adequately enough to do a couple of builds, but between these forums and "Don's" tips I have all 3 brushes working perfectly. A little tweaking,some grinding, new O rings, bingo.All fixed and utilized during this build. The E91 is set up for large surfaces, priming and finishes, the needle listed as fine but the spray pattern is much too large. The S68 is set for general spray work with a .35 needle and the G22 I set to fine detailing with a replacement .2 needle. 

The boat is on my work table : 60"x36"x 5/16 tempered glass. A 20.00 dollar yard sale buy. Totally flat,hard and level, you can slap down glue,tape,paint etc and scrape with a razor blade and wipe with glass cleaner.

 photo DSC03782_zpsufn0crg2.jpgThe table is in my "library"/work room,I also have a small computer desk for lighter duties.

 photo DSC03801_zpsshvnywll.jpgOne end.

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Having made the technological leap from Brownie Box to Polaroid all I can say is that the pictures DO do the subject justice. I guess that's all. Thanks.

"le plaisir delicieux et toujours nouveau d'une occupation inutile"


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