I didn't read all the replies...but did see plenty of suggestions for better deals on kits.
It's all a matter of perspective. I do about 80-90% 1/72 these days...the most I have ever spent on a 1/72 kit is $30. For that $30, I'll have anywhere from 40-60 hours of "entertainment" while building said kit. $30 won't even get you entertained for an evening at a bar! $30 of ammo will be fun...for a couple minutes!
The most I ever spent on any kit, was Academy's 1/32 F-18D, to build for my brother (F-18D WSO). I spent $140...and had a little over 100 hours working on it. 100 hours!!! For the cost of one evening out (dinner and a movie).
You can spend a few bucks ($10-15, vendor tables!) on older kits...put in the time to scratchbuild details, get rid of raised lines and scribe, add rivets, etc...and easily get 60-80 hours of entertainment...or you can spent $100+ for something that has all the bells and whistles already, and only get 30-40 hours out of it.