Just out of interest, and something that came to my mind while reading a comment made somewhere else in those forums, how many kits do you actualy own - unbuilt ones, I mean -, and what is your yearly 'production', on average..???
I'll start the ball rolling, of course and own up everything...
At the last count (when I moved house a few months ago), I recensed 151 kits (some started). Since then, I must have purchased over 20 more kits (discovered e-Bay..!)...
Because I design masters for some people, my 'production' is rather high, I would say, with an average of 47 models every year since 1999... Out of that, about 10 are display models that I build for other people, and only 3 to 4 each year are actually made for myself, to eventually grace my display cabinet in the lounge...
And when it comes to do something for myself, I even tend to go for scratchbuilding...
Yet, I keep buying kits. I'll probably never build all those kits lining my loft, but I think nothing is ever going to make me stop buying more. I'm no collector, but there's so many things interesting me and I just like having some kits around, just in case the need, the urge, to build that kit comes!