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but the f5 clearly falls over with only 1 wingtip winder on!
snow + 4wd + escessive hp = :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7egUIS70YM
p38jl VanceCrozier: bondoman: Scorpiomikey: Still prettier than the bathtub. Oh Gawd...Hammers third wife!!!
VanceCrozier: bondoman: Scorpiomikey: Still prettier than the bathtub. Oh Gawd...Hammers third wife!!!
bondoman: Scorpiomikey: Still prettier than the bathtub. Oh Gawd...Hammers third wife!!!
Scorpiomikey: Still prettier than the bathtub.
Still prettier than the bathtub.
Oh Gawd...Hammers third wife!!!
Yeah... Her mouth was that effin' big... 'Bout as loud too...
When she was clean without anything hung on, some seriously sleek lines-The Thud
The F-106 was exceptionally clean and sleek as well...
F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!
U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!
N is for NO SURVIVORS...
- Plankton
P-40 warhawk
Knew you were gonna say that, Red...
So I'm gonna pin ya down..
Which VARIANT of the P-40? And you ony get ONE choice...
upnorth net photo
net photo
Nice pic.....I like the Swiss markings.
i know i poated my favorites on here earlier, but i think one that needs mentioning also is Howard Hughes' H1 racing plane.
1/35 XM77 "Sledgehammer", 1964 Chevy Impala Derby Car
Whats next? Aircraft for Ground Attack Group Build
"I dont just tackle to make a play, I tackle to break your will." -Ray Lewis
"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away"- 5 Finger Death Punch
"Ahh, my old enemy.......STAIRS"- Po, Kung Fu Panda
I'm glad to see we all agree?!?
carsanab VanceCrozier: Manstein's revenge: The Bremerhaven Boomerang?? she's sure is a good looking M0J0.....especially the infamous "Spotted Ho"........
VanceCrozier: Manstein's revenge: The Bremerhaven Boomerang??
Manstein's revenge:
The Bremerhaven Boomerang??
she's sure is a good looking M0J0.....especially the infamous "Spotted Ho"........
I suggest you avoid the "spotted ho"
"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how i soar"
Recite the litanies, fire up the Gellar field, a poo storm is coming
Check out my blog here.
Gee Bee R-1
Scale Plastic Aircraft Modeler
Hans von Hammer Knew you were gonna say that, Red... So I'm gonna pin ya down.. Which VARIANT of the P-40? And you ony get ONE choice...
P-40N, I didn't even have to think.
Whats your favourite plane Hans? I think I may have heard you once say the FW190.
1. F 104
2. Spit Mk9
3. Dassault Mirage 3c
4. Aermachi/Atlas 326 Impala
5. Canadair CL 13 B Sabre 6
Oh ,and the L-18c Super Cub I fly
Didn't see that one coming.. Took ya for a P-40B or E kinda guy for some reason... Personally, I think that cut-down rear fuselage of the N, albeit while improving rearward visibility, ruins the lines of the P-40, but that's just me... I'm partial to the B/C model m'self, if I have to pick a 'Hawk... I like its longer nose, and the tighter curve of the radiator...
My favorite is the P-51B with Malcom Hood... But I think the one I posted on page two is the most beautiful...
The Focke-Wulf 190's my favorite WW2 German plane though... But this thread's about the most beautiful airplane ever built, not favorites...
Well, I suppose.
I like the performance of the P-40N best, I actually like the P-40P best, but that doesn't count.
I would probably go for the P-40M/N.
For me its the Alpha Jet (with the pointy nose), child of the 70's you see!
Lancair IV
Rob Byrnes
Novi, Mi
There are just to many beautiful aircraft out there to stick to one - even the ugly ones are quite interesting birds. Here's another one that fits into the beautiful category for me;
But what if ya had to pick a plane like a woman and marry one? Seems y'all'd be polygamists lol..
On the bench: Airfix 1/72 Wildcat; Airfix 1/72 Vampire T11; Airfix 1/72 Fouga Magister
Hans von Hammer But what if ya had to pick a plane like a woman and marry one? Seems y'all'd be polygamists lol..
Absolutely - & plane & a wife for every day of the year
mhuhtala http://www.flickr.com/photos/sdasmarchives/4559674128
Runner up to the Hawker Hunter.
For multi-engine: It can only be the Lockheed Super Constellation (Super Connie) for it's sculptured, graceful curves and it's speed provided by it's powerful R-3350 Turbo-compound engines.
For single engine: The prototype Supermarine Spitfire No. 5051 again, for it's sculptured, graceful curves and elliptical wings. A glimpse of what was to come...
All the best,
Says the man on hausfrau #?
Now sometimes the harem is not such a bad concept...
*Sigh*... Number Four... But only one at a time... And each one was THE one, lol..
Number Four was the one that I DIDN'T meet in a bar... Met her at an airshow... Heh.. She thought I was a pilot though, silly girl... Guess the flightsuit, boots, and "B-29 Flight Crew" cap coulda made one think that, now that I look back...
According to her, she thought she met the lead guitarist, but it turned out I was a roadie...
Well aircrew is still an aviator...
Well, since eveyone else is naming multiple aircrat, guess I'll follow suit... But I'm sticking with twin-engined fighters...
After the P-61, this (often-forgotten) US Navy bird wins the Number two slot of the "Most Beautiful Airplane Ever Built" in my book:
It is, however, Number One in "Hammer's Book of Blue Airplanes"...
True... Reckon I was the pick of the litter as far the GIBs went, too..
Here's the GIB-crew on "Fifi" when we met:
Oh, I figured it out, it's the last one I finished!!! But it's almost always the last one I finished...
To see build logs for my models: http://goldeneramodel.com/mymodels/mymodels.html
Cadet Chuck My vote goes to the F4U Corsair. I love the looks of the gull wings and that huge engine.
My vote goes to the F4U Corsair. I love the looks of the gull wings and that huge engine.
Always my favorite.
true beauty is on the inside aswell so for me its gotta be the Boeing 787-8
i love every single feature of this magnificant aircraft esspecialy the raked wingtips and the massive trent 1000 turbofans
this plane is just as sleek and beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside though. Just look at that cockpit!!
[quote user="upnorth"]
For WWII, nothing tops a DH Mosquito:
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