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1/32 Tamiya P-51D Mustang - Petie 2nd - J.C. Meyer (Complete!)

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  • Member since
    July 2019
Posted by Hoss WA on Monday, February 17, 2020 5:49 PM

The office is now complete. This is a fun kit to build. Stunning detail and fit so far. 

I used the kit decal behind the clear dial piece. The clear part is a little thick but it's still a nice result.

I painted the kit PE seat belts desert yellow and weathered them with a Flory wash. I also added some cables for the radio. 

I used Mission Models US interior green for the cockpit. Faded, shaded and washed. 

Time to button up the fuselage. 

  • Member since
    July 2019
Posted by Hoss WA on Monday, February 17, 2020 5:39 PM


Awesome kit....even more awesome pilot.  Here's my build of this kit should you need a loose reference.  I did Preddy's machine.


Thanks Lawdog. I'll definitely be using your post as a guide - great result!  I was too late to catch the floorboard wear showing the wood underneath. Next time!

  • Member since
    February 2012
  • From: Olmsted Township, Ohio
Posted by lawdog114 on Friday, February 14, 2020 12:55 AM

Awesome kit....even more awesome pilot.  Here's my build of this kit should you need a loose reference.  I did Preddy's machine.

 "Can you fly this plane and land it?...Surely you can't be serious....I am serious, and don't call me Shirley"





  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Naples, FL
Posted by tempestjohnny on Thursday, February 13, 2020 8:55 AM
Engine looks great. My personal opinion on sheen would be Satin. They were war machines but I do know the CC's took care of them the best they could. And Col Meyer being the CO would get the best crew


  • Member since
    July 2019
1/32 Tamiya P-51D Mustang - Petie 2nd - J.C. Meyer (Complete!)
Posted by Hoss WA on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 8:09 PM

Last year, when I was researching Operation Bodenplatte during my build of the Eduard dual combo kit of the same name, I learned about the US blue nosed Mustangs of the 487th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group. Lt. Col. John C. Meyer had his boys ready for a fight when the Luftwaffe attacked his airfield. I love the story about how Meyer engaged and shot down an FW 190 as he was retracting his landing gear! The moment I read this story, a Mustang from the Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney was added to my to do list. 

And the Tamiya 1/32 P-51D Mustang kit answers the bell perfectly. This kit has received much airtime on this forum, but wow! What a nice kit.

It includes a marking option for John C. Meyer's Petie 2nd. I love this scheme and am really looking forward to it. 

I have a few decisions to make on this one:

1) Partial invasion stripes or not? I'll make a game time decision on this one. Classic, clean silver and blue, or more eye candy? 

2) How to apply the natural metal finish?  This will be my first attempt for a full plane. My current thinking is to use Mission Models metallics. I've had good luck with them on the underside of late war Luftwaffe fighters and think they'll do the trick. However, I've read posts with much angst, fear and caution on the forums and am interested in any tips or advice from the group. 

3) What's the appropriate final coat for this type of finish? Flat, Semi gloss? Any thoughts appreciated here as well. I usually dull down my X22/MCLT with a coat or two of Alclad Flat or Matte or Model Master Flat Clear Lacquer. 

Here's the engine. This is my first crack at adding the main wiring for some added pop. The office is next. Thanks. 

Tags: 352 FG , Meyer , Mustang , Petie , Tamiya

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