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Canopy Problems?

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  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Canopy Problems?
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Sunday, September 10, 2023 6:13 AM


         Here's an Idea for us airplane Modelers. Yes Gertrude, I build them too! The Canopy. Top of the heap for sure. On most that is. It may be offset,(some British and Early American Bombers, especially) Fighters of course!

        Now you have gotten to the point of installing that clear bit or bits and shoot, it's too Small, Short or Narrow, or even too Wide. Or the main Canopy doesn't match the windscreens. Well, the last you can modify with strips or whatever so we won't go there. Now say it's too Small and you haven't cut the well molded Windscreen and Canopy, Apart yet .(You decided to have it open!) Still to small though. I say and I mean it! You Want a Plaque or Trophy? Don't try to level it or whatever way of forcing the look, With White Glue or Canopy Glue!

        You have a computer or laptop don't you? Look for a Vacuform company, SMALL, and see if they will do it. Or go see your modeling friend from the club. See if he knows someone with a Mattel Vac-U-Form machine from the seventies or a homebuilt unit! Ya see, You can, with a wee bit of Pla-Doh stuffed inside it and allowed to dry. Use that smaller Canopy and Windscreen to make a bigger one. Make two. Try for fit. If it's still to small, take the second one and pop it back on your original, re-vac it! Maybe the second time will be the charm. You can always reframe where necessary with Evergreen strip.(They make some pretty tiny and thin) There, Problem solved! Bye!


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