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F-14D Tomcat Paint scheme

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  • Member since
    March 2005
  • From: near Nashville, TN
Posted by TarnShip on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 11:49 AM

Oh, I get you on the dates, now.

The only way we know whether a paint was made according to the old standard or the new one is to "chip it out" onto a card and compare it to the FS from the time period.

Unfortunately, I can't do that anymore, I can't have Enamel or Lacquer paints around Anne,,,,,and she can't have me "off in some garage building models" anymore.

So, I have to stick to Acrylics, and stay in the house with her.

I would bet any color of model paint that you get your hands on will be made today to the Modern Standard,,,,,,,,,my only real goal is to try and tell people not to panic if they open a bottle of Lt Gull Gray paint and "it doesn't match anything else from anyone else",,,,,it might just be produced to the 1968 standard.

If I can ever get enough SMEs to talk about this,,,,,we could cross reference the old standard with the new one and pick out which of the old 3 was chosen by the GSA to become the new "one color, three sheens" colors. It would be as easy as pie,,,,,just compare 1968 FS (and/or the update packs) to Jan 1984+ and note which 1968 color was chosen. Any color not in the 595A just before the Jan 1984 update is automatically a post-1984 color.

almost gone


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