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Helldiver! 2/08/09 Post Script

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  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Sunday, January 6, 2008 9:43 PM
Unreal Chuck!  I'll have you know, seeing your Helldiver prompted me to go out and buy one for myself!  Absolutely first class work here! Bow [bow]



  • Member since
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  • From: Alabama USA
Posted by davew6003 on Sunday, January 6, 2008 9:47 PM
 wyoroy wrote:

You do know that because of this build I will have to get myself a Helldiver and try to copy your methodsBig Smile [:D]  So let me thank you in advance for the lesson and courage to attempt this myself.  You have inspired meBow [bow]

Very well done sir.


Well I guess I need to go get a Helldiver as lets see where did I put the giant penny Wingnut sold me?

  • Member since
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  • From: Bournemouth UK
Posted by Luftwoller on Monday, January 7, 2008 6:24 AM

Amazing.. When you think that the gunners seat is about the size of your thumbnail. Simply amazing.


..'Your an embarrassment to the human genus, makes me ashamed to call myself Homo'.
  • Member since
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  • From: Piscataway, NJ!
Posted by wing_nut on Monday, January 7, 2008 7:41 AM

 wyoroy wrote:

You do know that because of this build I will have to get myself a Helldiver and try to copy your methodsBig Smile [:D]  So let me thank you in advance for the lesson and courage to attempt this myself.  You have inspired meBow [bow]

Very well done sir.


Me too.  I want to try and put SOME of this in the 1/72 Academy kit.  Hope you don’t mind being copied.  They say imitation is the highest form of flattery.

 davew6003 wrote:

Well I guess I need to go get a Helldiver as lets see where did I put the giant penny Wingnut sold me?


Uh… Dave… your giant check bounced.  Can I just void it and use it as a drop cloth when I paint the living room?


  • Member since
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  • From: New York City
Posted by Mel Sharkskin on Monday, January 7, 2008 9:22 AM

Well, okay guys...I guess I must cast my lot in here too and haul that big box, containing the ironically-named Helldiver out of the closet, with all its AM stuff (and there are tons of AM sets for this fine kit) and voluminous references. I collected so much stuff for this build it intimidated me with all the AMS involved and I just kept putting it off.

Chuk, you have become, apparently, an inspiration to legions of us. But as we all know from this lengthy thread -- the men are separated from the boys on the workbench and not in the forum. Having said that, I suppose I'd better man up and get this plastic monkey off my back. (Forgive me women modelers -- I'm not really a cave man.)


  • Member since
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  • From: Whidbey Island, Washington
Posted by chukw on Sunday, January 13, 2008 8:56 PM

scorpr2:  Thanks, Bud!

wyoroy:  Try one- you won't regret it!   Glad to help get your burners lit, pal.  Cool [8D]

Bossman:  As I said to my buddy Angelo, more people see these pics than will ever see the model.  Know what I mean?  You'll be able to see plenty- all hatches will be open. Thanks!

Daywalker :  Man, I hope Monogram sees this and gives some kind of sales bonus or something.  ;D

davew6003 :  My credit is building- YEAH!  Informal group build, anyone?

Luftwoller:  Thanks, Maestro- I reall y appreciate it.  Cheers!

wing_nut:  By all means, give that tiny beast the treatment.  I'll write you a tiny check put in the cockpit... Laugh [(-D]

Mel Sharkskin: You've got to be the nicest guy in town- thanks!  Now I'll "man up"  and answer those questions you asked me a acouple of weeks back.  Sorry to be so lte with the info...

Mel wrote: I've just been spellbound following your SB2C-4 build. You see, about two years ago I got this idea, when I got the Eduard Big Ed sets for the -4 and the -1C, that I would do this build. But more and more time went by, and my excuse was, and remains, that I can't find any decent references to detail from, or even to check the accuracy of the kit from.

Thanks so much, Tom!  I've combed my library and the web for as much info as I can glean- I'm a real ref hound,  The books in my first post have been joined by a bunch more- the old Profile #124, Famous Airplanes of the World #86 (June 1977- I had just graduated High School!)- even The Best Of Nye from Model Airplane News with the veteran draftsman's somewhat misinformed yet still informative multi-view drawings.  You can also sift for detail information from books on contemporary subjects- The TBD-1 Devastator and Dauntless have similar gunner positions, and the Ginter books on the Curtiss SO3C Seamew and XB2C-1 (the Helldiver's "replacement') are helpful as well. 

I've gotta confess that I don't own a scale ruler and never really check a kit's accuracy.  If it looks like a duck, then it's a duck to me.  ;-)

If anyone can add to my suggestions, sing out!  We'll all benefit from your help- thanks!

Finally, AcMin sent me their boxing of the SB2C-1C (I don't even recall if ProModeler made this sub-variant when the original Helldiver kit came out about 1997) and now there was just no more excuse, especially since I've seen your work. I can never hope to match yours; it's just stunning. But I can draw inspiration from it. However, I have a couple of questions you may be able to answer.

The Accurate Miniatures SB2C-1C comes with a separate little sprue with a three-bladed prop and new spinner and backing plate. These are supposed to replace the other prop in the kit. Surely there are more differences in the 1C than that prop. Do you know what I need to watch out for? I have, as reference, a couple of on-line walkarounds (mostly of -4s and later), as well as the Famous Aircraft of the World, Vol. 40: SBD Dauntless and SB2C Helldiver, a beautiful series of publications and inexpensive too, but of limited help if you don't speak Japanese.

Well, to the best of my knowledge there are a few things that need to done to the kit to make it a true -1C, and the first is a bit involved.  There were four extra windows in the fixed center section of the canopy, right behind the pilot's canopy.  Your trusty Squadron In Action book has a nice drawing on page 28.  I've never seen the AcMin 1-C kit, but I've heard they included window templates in the instructions.  This did not please some folks as you might imagine!  One other modification would be to add a balance tab to the rudder, right above the trim tab. See page 30 of the aforementioned volume to see what I mean.  This one's no biggie.

I too have the True Details resin cockpit set (mastered by and formerly sold under the KMC label) and the TD wheels. Do you know if this cockpit set is for the -4 or will it work in my -1C?

I think it's do just fine- parts of it seem more suited to the -1C than the -4.   The kit parts are definitely geared toward the -1C, so you're in good shape.  One problem I did have with the TD set was poorly-cast parts.  A call to Squadron got me a free replacement set, but the same parts were muffed.  Looks like they need to re-mold the masters! 

One thing I was able to find out: Unfortunately, my SB2C-1C does not have those nifty all-perforated dive flaps like the later models (-3 and after). The flaps on the -1C are mostly solid with only a row or two of what appear to be lightening holes. Eduard got that part right, and they are correct on the kit PE fret. 

At least I know my Eduard PE is made for the subtype I'm building, and the Aeromaster stencil sheet is okay, but that's about all I'm sure of. Since you are, by acclamation, the master Helldiver modeler around here, I would be most grateful if you could answer any of these questions. And also point out any pitfalls in the kit for those of us inspired by you to do a detailed Helldiver.

Oh, boy- you're just too kind!  :-[   I'm learning about the plane as I go- it's part of the fun and satisfaction of modeling for me.  Aeromaster stencils, you say?  Tell me more!  

Thanks for sharing this wonderful build with us. Now that's what these forums should be all about. No rivet-counting and pedantic fault-finding nor, on the other hand, gratuitous accolades for sloppy modeling (mea culpa). Just good, useful modeling information. And what a model you've shared with us! I just hope the pressure isn't bugging you too much.

Looks like we agree on the important fundamentals:  Good modeling, good company, good manners- and good fun!  One day I did sit up and thought, "Hokey smokes!  I'm building this whacko project on the World Stage!"  I guess it doesn't really bother when I get such warm support from guys like you, Tom- and the other sympatico souls who like to weld tiny widgets into the semblance of  some fabulous machine. 





  • Member since
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  • From: Whidbey Island, Washington
Posted by chukw on Sunday, January 13, 2008 8:57 PM
I got copies of the pilot's manuals for this birdie and now that I know what all these odd little gizmos are I moved on to the pilot's port sidewall.  What an amazing conglomeration of controls scattered about the walls and floor!  These guys had to be sharp- and flexible- as well as brave and cool in battle.  Image reaching for an oddly-placed lever in a screaming dive as flak hammered up at you- WOW!  Talk about sheer courage...

The Eduard color PE is very nice, but sometimes the parts let you down a bit- the throttle quadrant has no sides! Gotta take care of that...

A bunch of PE work later....

There are components on the floor as well as the sidewall.  

That's all for now- see you soon!  
  • Member since
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  • From: Alabama USA
Posted by davew6003 on Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:06 PM
You know this is like a master class on scratch building and PE. (have I said that before?) well if I have its worth repeating. This is one of the best threads for a build I have ever seen. Right up there with Treadwells T 34.Make a Toast [#toast]
  • Member since
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  • From: The Great State of Wyoming
Posted by wyoroy on Monday, January 14, 2008 7:35 AM

I was wondering if at some point you could give a list with pics of the tools you used along the way.  The punch set I have which IMHO has a ton of uses, the saw, as before it is on my list along with the PE bender.

Also, what type of camera do you use?  Is it a Super Ninja Spy on My Neighbor from across town camera Wink [;)] those shots you post are great.

Roy (Capt. Wyoroy FAAGB/USNFAWGB)

John 3:16

  • Member since
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  • From: New York City
Posted by Mel Sharkskin on Monday, January 14, 2008 9:42 AM

For those of you who care, forgive my tardiness in getting back to this: Yes, Aeromaster makes an excellent set of stencils in 1/48 for any SB2C. The stock number is 148-020 and it retails for $4.00 (Accurate Miniatures recommends this sheet on their instructions for the Helldiver kit, but they give an incorrect stock number).

I checked the Squadron web site today and it is in stock, priced at $3.60. The sheet includes two complete stencil sets. While the kit comes with AcMin's usual thin and accurate decals, it is short on stencils. The Aeromaster sheet adds little dabs of color to that rather monotonous Navy paint scheme, with red, yellow, black and white stencils. Also, the sheet includes a good 4-view stencil map.


  • Member since
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  • From: new york
Posted by 96th BG 338th SQ on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:08 AM

Bow [bow] Freakin awsome!!!!!

  I havn't seen many modelers of your caliber around. The helldiver is a great subject matter and, a bit of a rarity as well. The potential to see so much detail is there with all that canopy glass. I eagerly await your next posting!!!    


  Living proof you can make a living building models!!!!!

Why does the cat glare at me?
  • Member since
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  • From: Bournemouth UK
Posted by Luftwoller on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 1:43 PM

I feel so sorry for you. You realise you will never be able to do an OOB again. LOL.

Keep up the great work though.


..'Your an embarrassment to the human genus, makes me ashamed to call myself Homo'.
  • Member since
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  • From: Whidbey Island, Washington
Posted by chukw on Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:28 PM

Wow- I had done a reply, but it got lost!  Must have been me. Dunce [D)]  You've all said such nice stuff- thanks!  I'll answer your questions- in a bit- sorry!  Blush [:I]

I had the chance to park my butt at my bench yesterday and today several hours.   :D   I did a lot of little bits here and there- there's so many little sub-assemblies and such...    :o

Furnace tape is wonderful stuff- it's like duct tape but made of heavy-guage aluminum foil.  I got a roll at Home Depot and have actually used it on the ducting for the dryer, but it made a dandy life raft-

It's finally time ti start painting in ernest- whoo-hoo!  That means masking and finding ways of holding all the little doo-dads while spraying paint at them.

Wow!  A little paint makes a HUGE difference!

If you've never done any post-shading before, here's a little how-to info.

We're rolling now- more fun detailing to come! 

  • Member since
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  • From: Alabama USA
Posted by davew6003 on Monday, January 21, 2008 1:05 PM
Man this is great! I am learning so many new things. Thanks.Make a Toast [#toast]
  • Member since
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  • From: Bournemouth UK
Posted by Luftwoller on Monday, January 21, 2008 1:38 PM

Thankyou for having the patience to do this Blog. It must be so tempting to crack on with the build and show the finished work. Im sure i speak for everyone tuning in on this build.

Priceless. Bow [bow]


..'Your an embarrassment to the human genus, makes me ashamed to call myself Homo'.
  • Member since
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  • From: Northern California
Posted by jeaton01 on Monday, January 21, 2008 2:02 PM
Thanks from me, too.  You should get published.  But then you are, aren't you, right here where it counts.


To see build logs for my models:


  • Member since
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  • From: Pearl River, Louisiana
Posted by claudez on Monday, January 21, 2008 5:43 PM
No wonder breakfast is late.. ya got a metal bar jammed in your toaster!.. Sorry , Couldn't resist, but it DOES look an old toaster.. Awesome build! I admire your attention to detail!
  • Member since
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  • From: Second City
Posted by arki30 on Monday, January 21, 2008 7:27 PM
This is good, no, great stuff!  And with a sense of humor to boot!

Building Now:

1/48 Academy Bf-109G6 - 100%

1/48 Tamiya F4U-1A - 5%


1/48 Revell F-14D

  • Member since
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  • From: Kansas City MO
Posted by Dougums on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:16 AM
  You have a wonderful build going there.  I also am learning lots.  Thank you for taking the time with the pictures and comments.  And I just love the little faces Big Smile [:D]
  • Member since
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  • From: DSM, Iowa
Posted by viper_mp on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 1:00 PM
Looks magnificant!!!!  I'll definately be using this thread as a guide when I go to build my Helldiver. Great Job!!!!!!!

Rob Folden

Secretary / Webmaster- IPMS Plastic Surgeons Member at Large-IPMS Hawkeye Modelers

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  • From: Whidbey Island, Washington
Posted by chukw on Saturday, January 26, 2008 8:00 PM
Guys- I'm having issues with my browser- Firefox is redlining CPU usage on my box and I can barely type in the reply window.  Any help?  I'm writing this in a letter and will copy and paste...
Dave6003:  Thanks- I'll have to look that T-34 build up.   Cheers!
wyoroy:  I'll doa tool line up for ya- and in the meantime be a bit more diligent in labeling stuff.  The tool you'll never see is my camera- a Canon SD800 IS.  It has a steadicam function and with it's digital zoom I can shoot detail pics on the fly.  
Mel Sharkskin:  Thanks, comrade- mt Squadron order is on its way.   To all:  Part of Poland produces a couiple sets for this kit that look absolutely incredible.  I'm too far along to add them in, but really wish I'd had them on hand at the start!
Luftwoller:  Who builds OOB, anymore, anyway? ;D  I'm actually posting this stuff as I go- and I go slowly!  Thanks, Maestro! 
Jeaton01- Thanks to you, too- and you're absolutely right.  It's good to be here in such good company!
claudez- now I've got to go research old toasters!   I hate it when breakfast is late- ;)
arki30, Dougums, viper_mp- cheers, fellas- there's lots more to come- stick with me!

Now, the last thing I did after painting was to give the green areas a good coat of Future floor wax.  Sprayed without dilution at about 8 psi, it provided an armor plate against the oil wash I'll detail now.   
To help emphasize detail and break up the monotone of the base color I applied a wash of dark, brown-green oil paint.  My oils are from student days in the dim recesses of the last century- they'll last a long time in their tubes!  Be wary of using straight turpentine- it'll eat through all your paint coats!  

Next: a matte coat and drybrushing- don't touch that dial!  
  • Member since
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  • From: Alabama USA
Posted by davew6003 on Saturday, January 26, 2008 8:24 PM
This is great! another installment in the master model building class. ThanksMake a Toast [#toast]
  • Member since
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  • From: Whidbey Island, Washington
Posted by chukw on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 3:30 PM
Thanks, Dave!   I've been nibbling awat at it and will post more soon. Just got the wing flap PE, Vac canopy and Aeromaster stencils.   Oh, will it ever end??!! Big Smile [:D]
  • Member since
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  • From: DSM, Iowa
Posted by viper_mp on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 4:28 PM

Magnificent. Simply magnificent.  One question, do you use the same mixture for the entire interior?  Or do you make it thicker/vary the color for any one section?

Also, have you thought about making a webpage with all the pics, in order, with the explanations? 

Rob Folden

Secretary / Webmaster- IPMS Plastic Surgeons Member at Large-IPMS Hawkeye Modelers

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  • From: Northern California
Posted by trexx on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 4:58 PM

 Dougums wrote:
  You have a wonderful build going there.  I also am learning lots.  Thank you for taking the time with the pictures and comments.  And I just love the little faces Big Smile [:D]


Echoing these comments above...

Thank you. I'm learning gobs o' stuff. Your posts are a great service.

  • Member since
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  • From: The Great State of Wyoming
Posted by wyoroy on Friday, February 1, 2008 8:42 AM

It's really coming together.

Roy (Capt. Wyoroy FAAGB/USNFAWGB)

John 3:16

  • Member since
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  • From: Whidbey Island, Washington
Posted by chukw on Sunday, February 3, 2008 6:44 PM

viper_mp:  Thanks, and yes- I vary the wash all over.  browner around fuel areas, greener here, blacker there.  If something still seems too vague I add more wash to highlight it.  Same with drybrushing.  Also, as I work with various paint mixes I'll go back and use the dregs as impromptu spot-washes and little drybrush highlights.   Dirt and stains are not monochromatic!  

 A web site?  yes, I've considered it- now I just need a week or so to build it!  

Thanks, trexx and wyoroy- Here's some more for ya:

I've been hammering away at the interior- there's just so much of it in there!  My flat coat, btw, is Humbrol Matt Cote.  



  • Member since
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  • From: Second City
Posted by arki30 on Sunday, February 3, 2008 7:10 PM

Amazing! Thumbs Up [tup]

Were you a illustrator in a previous life, 'cause your sketching ability is pretty darn good. Thanks for that extra touch.

Building Now:

1/48 Academy Bf-109G6 - 100%

1/48 Tamiya F4U-1A - 5%


1/48 Revell F-14D

  • Member since
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  • From: The Great State of Wyoming
Posted by wyoroy on Sunday, February 3, 2008 7:11 PM

WOWMake a Toast [#toast]  that looks very cool.

If I may be so bold, you have the Waldron micro punch?  On the radio face also punch out small dots for the rivets/screws on the radio face?  It may help give it some depth?  This is just a suggestion.  It may work and would be an easy fix, maybe.

Roy (Capt. Wyoroy FAAGB/USNFAWGB)

John 3:16

  • Member since
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  • From: Alabama USA
Posted by davew6003 on Sunday, February 3, 2008 9:48 PM
This is wonderfull. Another master class on advanced model building. Please keep it up. Make a Toast [#toast]

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