Bitbite: I hate to break this to you.... but The Milkman was killed on the first day of the invasion.
Marie was a proud French cow who was captured by The Milkman and forced to provide milk, butter, cheese, and other fine dairy products for the German troops. On hearing of the invasion Marie saw her chance to do her patriotic duty and win her freedom. She kicked The Milkman in the head, snapping his neck and killing him instantly.
Upon finding his body the Germans launched a massive search to find the killer, whom they expected would be the French Resistance. Fortunately for Marie they had assumed the killer to be human allowing her to make it to Allied lines.
Marie was amazed and humbled when she heard about being guest at a dinner served for the Allied commanding officers. Unfortunately though a mistake in translation it turned out Marie was dinner, and was eaten by Ike, Monty, and Patton...
So ends the story of Marie, unsung heroine of the Liberation of France and the horrible cow oppressing Milkman...