Bruckenleger... completed
At the end of my last update on this biuld, you might remember that I had an accident during the photography. I let the model sit under 2 150W shop lites with 13 inch reflectors for several minutes while I adjusted camera settings and white balance. A little too close to the lamps and too long as it started melting the transmission plate and front armor plating....
Fortunately, I caught it before more serious damage was done. The fix? A little panzer gray to blend the blemishes into the base coat, then grabbed a spare length of track of appropriate length. Glued on a couple of small pieces of evergreen plastic rod to hold the links, cut a small piece of brass from a PE sprue and topped it off with two wingnuts that were spare parts from an earlier Panzer IV build and voila....
Also glued on the winch motor and cable reels just prior to the final assembly.
The brucken slats were painted with a base coat of MM deck tan, dry brushed with MM raw umber and given liberal dilute oil washes with burnt sienna. Burnt umber dry brushing was done to produce the oil/exhaust staining, followed by a final wash with dilute black oil to highight the wood grain. The entire surface was then sprayed with very dilute Tamiya Buff as a dust coat and to blend everything together. Then, the final assembly
There she is. finished... I think. I was considering adding some mud to the chassis and bridge and dirtying the tracks a bit with a pigment treatment. But I kind of like the thing as it is. What do you think? Does it need more dirt and mud?