Thanks HK Shooter ! Grass Hopper! Well I guess one 109 does not an expert make but hopefully I won't drive yu all batty with questions on the next one!
Steve that monoscheme is incredible looking! Really something special you don't see everyday. Was it a night fighter or just an odd scheme? Looking forward to the others! A great production line, Wow really wish Guy could see it! Poor fellow! Chicken Soup and hot showers Guy!
Sorry to hear your elfs have become computer Gremlins you are missing a real show with Steve's Paint job! Really really cool looking! Let me paint a word picture for you.
Imagine if you will, A realm between time and space, Light and shadow, where imagination is only limited by our own mind's limited knowledge. A dimension where anything can exist and all is not as it may seem. This is your world, better known as the twilight zone!
If that is too deep then just imagine pulling out freshly washed warm clothing out of your dryer on a cold winter day. Grabbing a warm armload in a big hug to fold only to find your missing cat!
Yes this and other possibilties both good and bad are to be found in the twilight zone!
Now see I can't pick on him too much as he may be defenseless in his sick bed and bum computer. I never heard of a computer catching a cold from it's user? Must be a virus!