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Bf-109: Reich Defender GB The End

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  • Member since
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Posted by wingzandthingz on Friday, January 16, 2009 8:31 PM


   Hi All

Been busy with some other stuff but I hav`nt fortgotten this. A few more figures added and another 10 in conversion, and they take sooooo looong.



Gary Propeller [8-]

When we come into this world we are born with nothing, and I`ve still got most of it left
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Friday, January 16, 2009 9:21 PM
Excellent work Gary!  Glad to see you're still plugging away on this one.  I recently bought the Hasegawa 1/48 Bf-109G-10 "end of War" and it comes with the markings for "Black 4".  Looking forward to more pics soon! Tongue [:P]



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Posted by Luftwoller on Saturday, January 17, 2009 4:11 AM

Superb work Gary. The figures and the dio came out perfectly. Top marks and a million Ninja bonus points.


..'Your an embarrassment to the human genus, makes me ashamed to call myself Homo'.
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Posted by luftwaffle on Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:30 AM
SC- Excellent, I think that one's really going to be a stunner when she's finished!

aka Mike, The Mikester My Website

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."   -Winston Churchill

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Posted by tempestjohnny on Sunday, January 18, 2009 10:34 PM
Gary that is awesome


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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 1:48 AM

Wow! There is some really top-notch work going on over here! Thumbs Up [tup] I have to say I am very impressed.Bow [bow]

I will be joining you in a a few weeks with my very first 109 build! I hope I can do myself justice in this very talented group. Thumbs Up [tup]

Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
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Posted by Daywalker on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:22 AM
Darren- Judging from your work I have seen, you will do a magnificent job here!  Looking forward to seeing your 109 progress. Thumbs Up [tup]



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  • From: Naples, FL
Posted by tempestjohnny on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 8:57 AM

Here is an update on the G-6 Camo has been started.  Waiting for the 74 mottling to dry and then to do the 75.  Minor touchups after.





  • Member since
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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 11:48 AM
Nice work John! Looking forward to seeing more.Thumbs Up [tup]
Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
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Posted by sidure on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 1:33 PM

Very good work John. Its comming along nicely


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Posted by soulcrusher on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 8:46 PM

She is looking good John. Can't wait to see more buddy.

                                                                                      SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]



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Posted by Daywalker on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:11 PM
Excellent work John! I like your faded and worn paintjob.  What paint did you use for that?



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Posted by tempestjohnny on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:55 AM
Frank I have my leftover stash of Floquil enamels.  I love the stuff too bad its not made anymore.  I have been slowly converting over to acrylics. Tamiya nd Gunze some MM which I'm not crazy about


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Posted by Daywalker on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 6:09 AM
John- I use Tamiya and Gunze acrlics exclusively.  I tried the MM acrylics, didn't care for them much either.  I picked up a couple of bottles of Polly Scale, but have not actually tried them yet. Thumbs Up [tup]



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Posted by Gumiflex on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 4:32 PM

Hi all,

Dew to busy at work and home, my modeling time was minimum, anyhow since I think I have wrong 109 for Croatian "Black 4" I change my mind and will build different one.

Excellent work John, looking forward to seeing more.

Gary, nice work. Since I'm from Croatia I always appreciated to see one off Croatian Bf's on the forum. This plane have so many controversy how was paint it at end of the WW2. So here is few pic of left side for future reference and they are not many.


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  • From: back seat of your car with duct tape streched out
Posted by soulcrusher on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:28 PM

Those are some nice pics there Gumiflex. Thanks for sharing. My 109 is on the back burner for now. Airbrush problems have turned it into a model that I am really not that happy with or to pround to show pics of so I will cool my heels for a bit on it and get my head in a better mood to finish it off. New airbrush is on the way. It should put me in a better mood. The spinner is also giving me fits. Very tight spiral and one decal already destroyedBoohoo [BH]> Have not come up with a back up plan yet as to how I am going to tackle this project.

                                                                                           SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]


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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 6:37 PM

SC- Glad to hear you decided to get a new AB, sounds like that was your best option.  Which brand/model did you get if I may ask? 

On your spinner decals, I have a few extra ones about, and if I have the one you need I would be happy to send it to you.  Is it a black or white spiral, and do you have any photos of the aircraft, or profile views?  Looking to see if it is a thin one that wraps around the spinner many times, or a short, thick one.  Let me know what you are looking for and I'll check my decal stash to see if I have what you are looking for. Thumbs Up [tup]



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Posted by wingzandthingz on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:51 PM

Hi Gumiflex

Thanks for the photo`s, I have at least one of them already in my reference file, but all Messerschmitt stuff is always welcome.

As usual I only found this reference after the plane had been finished and fixed to the base back in 2006 or 7, and now there seems to be some argument as to wether it was a G-10 (as my reference gave) or a G-14.

Still THANKS again


 Gary Propeller [8-]

When we come into this world we are born with nothing, and I`ve still got most of it left
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  • From: back seat of your car with duct tape streched out
Posted by soulcrusher on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:28 PM
 Daywalker wrote:

SC- Glad to hear you decided to get a new AB, sounds like that was your best option.  Which brand/model did you get if I may ask? 

On your spinner decals, I have a few extra ones about, and if I have the one you need I would be happy to send it to you.  Is it a black or white spiral, and do you have any photos of the aircraft, or profile views?  Looking to see if it is a thin one that wraps around the spinner many times, or a short, thick one.  Let me know what you are looking for and I'll check my decal stash to see if I have what you are looking for. Thumbs Up [tup]

Frank I purchased the badger model 200 with the fine needle when it first came out and I was able to do some great work with it. The control was so fine and it was able to draw the finest lines. I think I ruined it when I cleaned the body by soaking it brake fluid. I had been using this method to clean the needle and seat and it had been working great. The body of the airbrush was covered in paint so I dumped it it the brakefluid and it has not worked properly since. It clogges within seconds. Then when you open the needle up it dumps huge amounts  of paint very frustrationBanged Head [banghead]! Found a replacement for $45.00 dollars. It seemed stupid to try and figure out what happened when a new one is so inexpensive. I can only guess there must be some type of seal in the body that was affected by the fluid. It has been rough when I was use to doing nice airbrush work and then having it all turn to crap overnight. 

Here is the color profile of the Acadamy G-14 I am trying to do. The spinner is black with a tightly wraped white spiral. I have alot of decals but they are all the more comon type of loose pattern. If you have one I would apperciate it greatly. I have really lost interest in the G-14 because of the airbrush problems and now the spinner decal. I am really bummedSad [:(]

                                                                            SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]


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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:55 PM


Are you ready for this?  I have good news and good news for you, which do you want first?

OK, I'll decide, LOL.  With your Badger 200 AB, there is a tiny teflon seal inside the body of the AB which can only be replaced by Badger.  My guess is that it was damaged by the brake fluid.  Their service dept. is one of the best I have ever seen, hope they are still.  Just contact them and tell them what's going on, and they will probably tell you to ship it to them to fix.  I did that three times with my old 200 over the course of 15 years, and each time there was no cost to me.  You can contact Ken at Badger here, he is a member of the forums here and a very helpful fellow.  Here's his email addy:

Now for the second bit o' good news...

I have two of the decal you need, the thin white stripe.  They are from a Superscale sheet number 48-921:


There are two of the narrow white spiral for aircraft number 1 and 2.  If you would like them, I can put them in the mail for you tomorrow.  I still have your addy from when you sent me those figures last year (have been hoping I could repay the favor someday!). Wink [;)]




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Posted by soulcrusher on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:35 PM

Frank you are the man as usual! May the sun always shine on your face, the wind always be at you back and may your soul be in heaven a half an hour before the devil even knows your dead. [ an old Irish proverb]. Sent me the decal when you have a chance. As an automtive tech I know how certain fluids can destroy seals if they are not compatible. I have repaired many automobiles because someone had put the wrong fluid in the wrong system. That is why I had a feeling there was some type of seal inside the body that the brake fluid reacted with. Do'nt you love your model 200. It is my favorite airbrush I have ever owned. I am able to do work I was never able to do before. I am in your debt Frank. You know if you ever need anything I have its yours buddy. Heck I'll even let you post your optivisor pics that scare me so much! Thanks agan Frank.Bow [bow]

                                                                                        SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]


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Posted by Daywalker on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:59 PM

Aw, shucks... glad to help out! Blush [:I]

I like that proverb, and will share it with SWMBO (though she prolly has already heard it!).  As for the 200, I have a new one now as I actually destroyed the old one last year.  I have the NH (New Head) now, with one size needle and head.  I was quite taken aback by how well it works, and the new design makes cleaning MUCH easier.  I actually use my Badger 100LG for 95% of my painting, but the 200 gets a workout with clearcoats, Future, and NMF finishes.  Love that AB! Approve [^]

I shall put your decals in the mail tomorrow my friend.  I sure do hope they help!  I do, however, fear that posting my optivisor pic will frighten off all but those accustomed to such silliness. Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]  But, here it is anyway, thanks for letting me post it LOL!  If you look very close, you can see my 200NH resting next to my spray booth.

Whistling [:-^]



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Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:05 PM

SC and Frank --

As soon as you said brake fluid, I knew what the problem was! The Badger 200 was my first AB, I bought it nearly 30 years ago and did some good work with it. I didn't look after it properly, I was a kid when I got it, and it went the way of all precision tools improperly cared for. I never dared actually soak the whole AB ever, I knew there was a seal somewhere in there... I've been on a Paasche for the last 20 years but still think fondly of the Badger. I'd get a new one, but unfortunately the Badger dealership in Australia leaves a lot to be desired and my AB expert at the local art shop does not recommend their service under any circumstances!



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Posted by sfcmac on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:17 PM

EEEkkks The Optivisor has returned! The Horror! The Horror!

 Excellent looking 109 there Johnny! The paint is remarkable and the work is steller!  Sorry to chime in so late but everybody has me bust building stuff!


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Posted by Gumiflex on Thursday, January 22, 2009 6:12 AM

Ready for new WWE hero ....THHHEEE OPTIVISORRRRRR. heheheheh that is funny picture. Who ever have one need to take a pic and post it.


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Posted by tempestjohnny on Thursday, January 22, 2009 6:15 AM



 39 todayBoohoo [BH]

Happy B-Day [bday]



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Posted by Daywalker on Thursday, January 22, 2009 7:00 AM

Happy B-Day [bday] John!  It's not bad being 39 (I turned 39 in October) it's the next one I am afraid of! Shock [:O]

Gumi- LOL!  Let's see 'em folks! Tongue [:P]

SC- Spinner spiral decals inbound to your location. Approve [^]



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Posted by dupes on Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:17 AM

Frank - have some goodies on the way for the Monogram Bf-109G-10 in my stash, so I'll offially tender my entry to the build with that guy. Hope I can get some results near what everyone else has already cranked out with that kit! Cool [8D]

Happy birthday Tempest! Happy B-Day [bday]

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  • From: back seat of your car with duct tape streched out
Posted by soulcrusher on Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:53 AM

Frank you are the man! Now can you install the decal on the spinner for me also? Which end do you start with the tip of the spinner or the bottom. I tried to start at the point and work my way down and it really did not want to lay smooth though it was roughly in the area it neede to be. I tried to press it down into place and then it broke in two right about in the middle. I then tried to wipe of the broken pieces of decal and it took the paint offBanged Head [banghead]. I have'nt toughed it since. been crakin away at the Reggia Aeronautica GB instead. Thanks agian buddy. The optivisor pics did not frighten me as much the second time around. I guess I was ready for it this time.Big Smile [:D]

John HAPPY BIRTHDAY! may you recieve many models.  Feb 2 I will be 43!Shock [:O] Mabye I will be blessed with another hobby store gift certificate.

                                                                                      SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]


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Posted by sfcmac on Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:12 PM

Shock [:O] Happy Birthday John!  You got that cute baby face so I would had thought you were in your teens especially pre haircut!

Dupes! Glad to see ya joining in!  Who has more snow? Maine or Wisconsin?

SC ? Be careful! Remember what happened to me when I tried to install a spinner decal like Frank! I'm leaving that for the pro's!  Ouchie! My bottom hurts just thinking about it!


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