I'm kinda doing this one as I go along. I'm not doing it up as a movie x-wing, but rather a side story(which I will actually write once it's done). So far I have most of it assembled. The main fuselage and the s-foils are Tamiya XF-18 Medium Blue. It's not as light as I'd hoped but it does look good. The "nosecone" will be painted a different color, as will the cannons, but I've not decided on a color yet. Pics soon hopefully. That is provided it's my batteries that are dead and not my camera. I plan to have this bugger done by Tuesday, as that is the next club meeting/contest, and this is the only thing I could possibly have done by then.
I'm building gear down, and am thinking of hitting the gear with Metalizer Dark Adonic Gray buffing metalizer. Not sure about the secondary color for the thing though. I've hit the engines with floquil grimy black. I'm thinking I might go with a darker Tamiya blue, like Navy blue. I'm going to hit the medium blue with a semi even coat of thinned light gray of some kind to lighten it up. I'm also going to weather the living peewadin out of it.