Corsair is pretty nice.. Never been a fan of US armed forces, but Corsair is nice.. Yes.. indeed
Now... We all know how rusty mufflers gets? And the texture of rust isn't all smooth? To represent this, I took the mufflers and stippled them with a stiff brush with some Putty on it. It's a brush killer yes, therefore no expensive brushes was used for this! Quite a successful technique!
And then it was the doors.. Each door is loaded up with ejector pin marks. Four of them on each even!! Yeah, I quote you on "Kits with great fits results in many ejector pinmarks!"
But luckily all were removed with ease:
Here are the mufflers, doors and the cover for the engine all painted and wash. Awaiting last application of paint:
Yet another technique I'm trying, is the rust on the mufflers. It is pretty simple. I take some rust pigments (Hobby pigments (dust-like)) and mix it with water, paint it on. It still awaits some shades, so yeah.. Kind of stark at the moment:
We all know the middlebar and it's option to field 4 rifles? Well, it had 4 squares to represent this. I want to fill it up with rifles! So I did some slight modification. Cutting out the squares and I'll use some thin wire to hold them inplace:
And see! It got doors and the bar!
Then the two remaining doors. I left one door open, because on the little base I'll make, I will have the standing guy from the kit stand next to it:
And steeringwheel:
Now there was one very time consuming technique I'd like to try. I learned about it this weekend. It's to sit with a needle and scribe the lines of the figure, making it more 3D. Although not really needed for this guy, here's a before:
And after. I'm still not done, and I have yet to smooth the lines from his shirt bottom and down:
You may notice his pockets looks pretty realistic now, and his hand does actually seem to go inside the shirt:
Then it was the wheels! The middle was painted, darkened and drybrushed (as with the rest of the car) and the very close edge was carefully painted with black. Here, the back side is left out. 5 wheels, 4 insides.. Well, one is the reserve and doesn't need the inside rim!!
Then easily completed:
But I still wanted to drybrush the entire wheel with a blackgrey colour, for more "rubber realism". Oh dear, did I even say that? Well, to mask of the rim from the crazy brush, I found this tip of the oilpaints fit perfectly. Thank god!
And now they look pretty darn good:
Then the headlights. Had some minor issues with them that was easily puttied. The front of them was a separate piece:
And just where I am now.. It's looking better and better by the minute!!!
Comments and questions are all prefferd.