No worries.. I always open my boxes as I get them too!!!
But here's a new update on our North African ride.
Here's the back of the seats... You all can see those bleedin' ejector pinmarks? Removing these was a real bugger. Thank god it's only two seats!
Here's the seatframe, the lower part.. You can see one ejector pinmark on the lower middle beam this, and a little tiny one on the bracket infront... I've already started sanding here, but you can still see it. The small one didn't need removal as the seat itself would cover it entirely:
Here's the big one removed, and the tiny one is a bit more visible:
Here's the back of the seat all cleaned.. Phew!!! That was a bugger to clean!!
But all this scraping did leave quite alot of plastic dust and such on the part.. Easily cleaned like this:
None glued to the car yet, but here the seats are done:
The rear bumper too. Here you can see the box behind the hooks making them easier to glue:
Here's the enginecompartment door.... What do you see up in the corner? Yes, me + knife + no focus...!
How to fix it, and make new hinges? Well, we carefully glue a piece of white plastic card ontop, let the glue set, and then sand down, and carve out the hinges:
I feel that I'm getting a little too bad at photographing, as I had to do the same thing on another door.... Meh...
I am currently in the paintingstage, but I have yet to photograph it, and my next photo will be my first since the last you saw here! I'm horrible right now, I know.. Sorry!
Hope you enojyed it, comments and questions are appriciated.