Hey, no problem Bish. You said earlier that there would be a short break away from the bench. Will be good to see further progress on the 1101.
How come it's the little things that take so much time? This update shows a few of the final steps to complete the Bone. Not that there are no obstacles left (see below). The main thing that I've recently accomplished is to paint, weather and install the bomb bay doors, which pretty much completes the payload compartments;
I've also added some of the defensive ops antennae. Curiously, the Eduard PE set provides the antennae for the rear of the aircraft;
but not the forward antenae. So I made them from Evergreen sheet plastic;
The Eduard set also includes the antennae located behind the flare dispensers;
I also didn't like the how the Eduard set portrayed the upper steps of the crew ladder. Seemed to be just too thin relative the the lower steps on the kit supplied part. So I cut and replaced the upper steps with brass rod;
Lastly, I removed the masks and found that I have a litle work to do with the clear parts. There was a slight step between the canopy windows and the fuselage which will require smoothing. Some delicate sanding since there are a few decals very close by. Still working to smooth that area;
but you can see the "nose" art of aircraft 85-084; Hard Rain. And a glimpse of Commander's arm. Remember way back? There are figures in the Comander's and co-pilot's seats.
Now the obstacle: The PE set provides the six pitot tubes that are located on the nose. Six small circular bases and six very small sensors. Small PE parts are usually a recipe for disaster for me and this was no exception. Five of the circular bases went on just fine; the sixth went "ping!!" when I tried to pick it up with tweezers and was lost to the carpet monster. OK, no sweat since I had recently purchased one of my own Holiday gifts; a punch & die set. Just punch out a plastic disc and continue. But the sensors are even smaller, and a long, long, long, long story short... I lost two of those before even installing a single one successfully. So now I'm thinking about how I can replace them with plastic parts.
That's it for now... Let's see how everyone else is progressing.