Hi All,
Another small update on my Lexington. I've assembled the kit parts of the island and stack and have
been up to my elbows in resin dust sanding down the stack base to fit onto the kit parts. It's too flimsy
to cut it down with a razor saw. Actually, most of what I've been doing is staring at the backdate set's
instructions and trying to visualize a path forward.
Since the flightdeck is going to be painted to simulate unpainted pine, I've been thinking of pre-shading
it with a wash of MM Flat Sea Blue to show the slight spacing between the planks. Another problem is the
arresting gear pulleys and cables. Should I assemble the PE pulleys and glue them down before painting
the flightdeck and then go back and brush paint the pulleys? Or, paint the deck and arresting gear
separately and then glue the gear to the deck? Lots to think about. The ship is progressing but at a
snail's pace. Pix to follow later.
All the best,