My lost and found was not quite so big. I have a WIP Revelle F-22 that I ordered a detail set for. there was a tiny little clear card for the HUD display that I realized was missing though it was there before. I searched and searched but no use. I e-mailed Eduard in the Czech republic and received a reply that they would replace it no charge. It took several months but did receive a replacement from across the big water. Ironically, when I looked at it, I figured it was nothing but a bit of clear sheet with lines showing where to cut out the part. Something i could have made myself, though I didn't know at the time if it was clear, red, blue or what.
Anyway, for a while I had tried one of those clear mats under my desk and after about 6 months took it out as it just didn't work with shag carpeting, whereas most offices where these are found have short, dense carpeting. I removed the mat and when I went to clean up the work area, there was the tiny Eduard part. Now both the parts are thumb-tacked to the wall in a plastic bag waiting for the eventual day I return to the F-22 build.
I can only hope to be reunited with the Phantom part someday in a similar way.