may finally be over this cold. at least i got some bench time. got the drive train done. a suggestion to folks building steam locomotives. on my next build i will not add any fiddly stuff until the complete drive train, valve assys and drivers are done. that means no front bumpers, lights, piping under the cab, ladders or anyting on the boiler not necessary. there is a lot of manipulation and handling to get the entire drive assy correct and these fiddly stuff can get broken off. this will go against the instructions so really study them in case needs to added because something else goes over it. may have this ready for track laying and weathering today.the 1/35 should be a lot of fun since the parts are bigger.a lot more airbrushing on that one. may start with the diesel , br-86, br-52 k-5. or i may build ships for a bit.