Okay... I finally got a Photobucket account! 
Since having first posted in this thread I have been making progress on my Stuka, and have managed to get a lot done so there are many pics.. lol.

The white tube is an add- on to help w/ detail (it was absent on the kit.)
Quite a few bits left... here's a couple pics of my workbench...

There are no ejector pin marks on the kit, but there are a lot of seams... nothing squadron white putty can't fix!
Before and after... drilled out the cannons.
This is a tip I learned from FSM, to keep the wing dihedral, a rubber band stretches them up. 

Not too many parts left... 

Here's a cool tip, if the prop is already painted and fixed, cut a square in the center of a scrap piece of paper, cit out each side, and you mask off the prop!

All masked up before...
and after, freshly painted.
Look what I found! Bet some of you recognize it...
Here's the brushes I'll be using for the dot camouflage.
First layer... green.
Bit more modern... Italian Dark Brown for the second layer...

Yellow markings now added...
An excuse to use leftover decals from Revell's Ju87D Stuka...
This is the most up-to-date picture as of now. I heard this forum likes lots of pics, so I hope this is good. Any comments welcome guys!