Alright, this weekend did have some progress...
Just making sure I've got some decent shots of the cockpit before I close it up!
Drilled out the nose cannon. Not sure it's "to scale" anymore, the original looks almost like the muzzle is sticking out of a sheath of some kind, but this LOOKS better to me, and is les likely to snap off.
I also drilled out the air intake for the DB engine, and drilled out areas for the landing lights at the front edge of the booms...
Now, the instructions, see how the gear bay doors are shown without attachment points? Uhh, completely accurate! I'll be using some Evergreen half-round stock to help the attachment here.
Kit wheels (dark green and smooth) are going to be replaced by some FW190 wheels I had in the spares box. The Actual tires have a very heavy tread, smooth simply won't do.
Underside has now been painted as well.