Greg - good call on the recognition stars, my Canadian Firefly should of had them too, including one for air recognition, but my photo references did not show any. I think in many instanceces they did not have time to apply them, or were covered up after a few days in the battle zone.
Boy it has been busy in here the past few days... Great stuff all around! Cody, your 190 is tops! Priller's D-Day mount has long been one of my favorites.
As far as air recognition panels go, they are quite similar to the ones in use still today. Floursecent colored fabric panels with tie down straps in the corners to attach them to the vehicle upper surface. The panels are usually two sided and orders from higher will specify which of the colors will be displayed for what time period. Here is an excellent photo from Life of a typical M4 in Summer 1944 where teh air ID panel can be seen tied down over the engine deck stowage... oh yes the M4 not plain OD but also sports the typical 1st Army camo of black over OD for that time period.