Hey guys!
I am happy to report that the operation on the computer seems to have been a complete success, and the patient seems to be doing fine! The new monitor is awesome and works fine without having to worry about drivers. I was concerned because I had a Viewsonic one time that wouldn't work at its full resolution without special drivers being installed.
I'm sort of test driving all the USB ports to be sure all is working and all my toys charge up, so I'm adding a couple of photos of my new set-up. Sorry if it is off topic!
Yes, there is tape stuck along the bottom, but free is free! (Also, don't pay attention to the dust! I'm working on it!)
The new 7-port powered hub! Now all my toys have a happy place to charge! There are a couple of thumb drives plugged in (one is dedicated for Ready Boost, which adds additional available RAM) And the other device is my Mp3 player, happily taking on a charge!
I'm pretty much in USB port heaven now, with the two external HD's plugged into their 3.0 homes and now able to run at their full speed! Plus I have 2.0 ports open everywhere! 2 on the front of the computer, 2 on the side of the monitor, and 7 on the hub! Plus there is now one open on the back as well! Now I need more gadgets!
Now something model related: I started this dragster a long time ago, and never finished it. I kind of stopped when the paint on the body didn't turn out so well. I was thinking of stripping the body and trying again. My painting skills may have improved since then.
A close-up of the engine: I added the wires:
I have been kicking around the idea of doing a car for a change of pace. Either finishing this one or one of several Chevy Chevelles I have laying around. I had a red '68 Chevelle Super Sport back in the day, and though all I can find are '69's and '70's, they are pretty close.
I still am going to finish the Voodoo, have no fear!
P.S. After spending the last 20 minutes trying to find the charger cord for my phone, I'm glad I did all this! Now I can leave all the cords in one place and just dangle them off the side of the desk! No more swapping!