OK, here's the M4A3E8 update:
Most of the limited time I had this week was working on the suspension and tracks. Dragon's HVSS bogies gave me fits. They just don't want to sit straight and the mounting points aren't very strong so they keep breaking their bond and wobbling around. I tried re-gluing a few times and managed to get a couple to straighten out and remain solid. Still not happy with them though so I might keep working at it.
The tracks were a bit of a disappointment. Although they are made of the new DS styrene and have pretty good detail, I feel they are too thick for the scale. Worse, they are about two links too long. Unlike many German and Soviet tanks that have tracks that sag, U.S. tanks typically had very tight track...here's a wartime pic of an Easy Eight.

As you can see here, the tracks out of the box are too long.

Simply gluing the tracks down to the return rollers wouldn't be much help so I decided to shorten the tracks by one link. This involved carefully slicing one link off the outer track surface, trimming the extra link off the end and then punching new holes for the locating nubs so that they new surface could have a better grip when glued. Here's a pic of the process:

Here's the modified track next to the unaltered track. As you can see its one link shorter. I COULD have made it two links shorter, but I was concerned that it might be too tight and the tension would bend the suspension even worse!

And here she is with the modified tracks. The tracks are a little tighter and will probably look better with paint on. Not perfect, but I don't want to spend any more time on it, so it will do!

As you can see I also added more parts to the turret and the add-on front armor on the hull. Now all that's left are the little parts which I like to leave for last, cuz otherwise I'll just break them all off!!
I think this guy needs a partner, or better, an adversary. So lets add this to the build list!

I did a little research and determined that StuG IVs were used in Belgium and Germany in 1945 against US forces, although I could not determine any units they were attached to. I think its reasonable to assume that an Easy Eight might have encountered a dug in or camouflaged Stug IV in the closing stages of the war. And if not, well its still Braille Scale!!