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I'm going to be enteing the B-25J from Hell I wanted to join earlier but this model has caused more pain from sanding than any other I've ever faced anyways I'll keep it OOB and although it looks like I'm almost done I assure you it'll be a few more months at this rate enjoy
This model was to be my reintroduction after a long hiatus from the hobby and a simple build in anticipation for a very nice Hasegawa 1/48th F/A-18F and my focus wasn't going to be on panle lines this time just a smooth surface to try new painting techniques on and hopefully a great paint job at the end of it Well after going much further past my expected date of completion, my realization that this truly has become the worst model I've put up with. From the very beginning this model has been a beast of fit issues that have prolonged the build to the point of me having to force myself to work on it. My status right now ( I failed to take picturs through most of the sanding but just know that every piece that was attached has used copious amounts of super glue and Tamiya putty including both entrances on the belly, both engine bays as well as the front covers, the tail section, the front nose section, the bomb bay doors almost made me cry..) is that of final assembly of major parts in preparation for the first actual coats of paint in which I will start with a black spray for preshading followed by Model master metalizers on the front air surfaces, Hairspray then the first layer of OD and gray with more hairspray and the three layer technique from Doogs' blog followed by the salt technique for post shading then some detail paint followed then by final assembly and decals. here's what pictures I did take all straight on the bench with my galaxy s5 you can see that I actually succeeded with the hairspray technique on the propeller blades. But the constant sanding has really killed my motivation
Anyways that's all I've got so far hopefully I haven't pushed the joining limits Thanks for looking!
modelcrazy PJ I just signed up. So you leave all your old links as they are and just move on from here? That's what I'm planning on doing.
I just signed up.
So you leave all your old links as they are and just move on from here? That's what I'm planning on doing.
Too many models to build, not enough time in a lifetime!!
Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.
modelcrazy PJ, When you switched to imageshack, were you able to keep you photo links to the forum, or did you have to replace them?
When you switched to imageshack, were you able to keep you photo links to the forum, or did you have to replace them?
the PB links are still there. I will not go on there again. Image shack is way easier to use than PB.
The non free version may be a little better but as the tech told me, no malware or anti virus product is100% effective. Unfortunately, some junk will get thru sooner or later. An annual check at a professional shop like the one I went to is $ well spent.
I've been wondering if the pay version of Malwarebytes would find that stuff. Been having issues also and have been suspecting PB.
On Ed's bench, ???
68GT PJ, what site did you get the virus from?
PJ, what site did you get the virus from?
Good idea for that gun, Theuns.
On the Bench: Nothing on the go ATM
Nice job on the gun Theuns, I'm excited to see the rest of it.
I am basically done with the Apace, I just need to make the "Apache base" for it
The gun was really bare so I spruced it up with some stretched sprue bits like the "role cage"
I have alsorepainted the undercart green ;-) Theuns
I have alsorepainted the undercart green ;-)
Stuka's looking great 68...keep up the good work!
Moving along slowly here.
Thanks Rob. More on the way.
That's some sexy lookin' 'pitty' there plastic...looking great..more please
I hope all had a great and Merry Christmas.
Good work Gt, the Stuka is looking good. Got some work done to my F-4 pit.
VERY handsome, thus far! Man, I love this plane. Keep up the great progress.
Hi Guys, my Stuka is progressing well with no issues as yet ....
Sorry gents for being AWOL but my computer caught a nasty virus from an ARC decal review site. Just got my sanitized computer back and will be posting update pictures soon.
Handsome 'gang' of Stukas!!
Cool! a whole gaggle of STUKAS :-)
I have the 1/24 heller one sitting here in the box ...taunting me LOL
I forgot that I was posting my progress here. One Stuka panted and ready for decals while the others are waiting to be masked and painted further.
I picked up a hasegawa 1/72 AH 64d today for a good price and wil hopefully get it done before next month end, please put it on the roster if it qualifies for the GB.
I wonder where Matt went? He hasn't been on in a month?
Hi junkie, yup they sure are.
Hey junkie, great looking Stuka pit details on your G. I'm doing a B-2 for the Stuka GB that Bish is hosting. These are unique looking birds.
Please add my name to the list. I will be doing a cross over 1/48 Monogram F-4J in VMFA 235 markings and loaded up with GP bombs for earth moving duty.
That is a stunning looking pit there !
Moving on - all stitched up now but not quite finished...
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