Lots of great new stuff in here again. Where do I start?
Mike: Those cockpits are looking really nice so far! Your Avia truned out great as well!
Steve: Same goes for your Avia. Some nice, clean work!
Craig: Now that's one detailed engine. The IP looks really good too. Is it just me or do Eduard's 1/32 IPs look way better than the 48th ones?
Handi: I love the beat-up look you're going for on that engine!
cbaltrin: Your little G-10 is coming along nicely too!
John: Those exhausts must be really tiny. Great job on getting them drilled out. Everything being so small is the main reason for me not building any 72nd scale kits, so my hat's off to everyone who does!
Doug: That office looks lovely! And thanks for the instrument decal tip! I already ordered some to replace the IP decals of my 2nd Royal Class build (G-2). The kit supplied IP decals really are the only disappointment i had with the kit so far. They just look terrible and I refuse to use that blue PE panel...
Joe: Dang, now that's some impressive scratchbuilding! I'm digging the radio assembly!
Jay: Holy smokes, you really are serious about your rivets! I don't think I'd have the patience or skill to get so many straight rivet lines on any model. Major kudos to you for that!
Brandon; I got you added to the build list. Welcome aboard! I'm really looking forward to seeing you build the Buchon!