Speaking of nuts, here's how I spent my Sunday. First, I went 'nuts' painting and masking the 4 x solar panels for the two TIEs.I prepainted with Vallejo black then masked the surface for the grey/blue. I was skeptacle that the paint was going to survive masking with painting tape, so, I did a test...and it passed (thank goodness).
ONE of four solar panel wings:
The fuselages received a quick preshade prior to principle painting:
Fuselages pained with XF-66 Light Grey with a few drops of XF-8 Flat Blue. The two fuselages below are...the front painted with RLM Grey highlights, the rear one, yet to be done:
Both painted and highlighted with a light drybrush of Gunmetal:
Gloss coat applied, grey pinwash done and wings fitted permanently with CA glue:
AND, his wingman done!!
With the fighters close to completion, I need to set them aside for paint to set. I will dull coat them later tonight and remove the masks tomorrow. In the meantime, I painted the massive baseplate with a Tamiya flat black spraybomb:
That's it for now. Will carry on this evening and post results tomorrow. These are going together quickly due to the low part count and excellent engineering. VERY happy with the kit thus far.
On the Bench: Nothing on the go ATM