That they have. This home opened a couple of years ago, with 150 beds. All rooms are private, with bath/shower, TV, internet, etc.. Each unit has a kitchen and staff will fix whatever they want, as well as regulary scheduled meals. Each also has a dayroom with big flat screen.
The club has been meeting there every Thurs. night for a couple of hours, since March and once a month we do a Sat. build day with them for 4-5 hours. We are hoping to get some of them interested in modeling as a way to pass the time and motor skill retention.
There are several kits that they aquired over time, and a few more have been donated, and the guys have a box with extra tools and such for them to use. Of course all of us are ready to help or mentor as needed.
There are a few WWII vets, and they are getting the Korean and 'Nam guys now. And not just men, we have a few ladies staying there as well.
This is the second home in the state (the other is on the Columbia River in The Dalles), with another going to be built in Roseberg. This was the first one in the country to try the modular, and single room type of residence out, and everyone loves it, even the staff, and the vet/care staff ratio is fantastic, at around 6- 8:1 daily and about 12:1 at night.
I urge everyone to visit a Vet's home if there is one near you. Most don't get many visitors, if any, and if you can draw them out a little.....oh the stories they have. Has given me ideas for dios, that will never get done.