Hello All,
Beave - "earmuffy" Hehe . . . I'll have to add that to my technical dictionary of modelling !
Toshi - Those engines and Nacelles keep liooking better with each post. I like the way those exhaust tubes came out. They look heat-discolored - not rusty like mine sometimes do.
Check - Nice ref photo - thanks. I have the same ordinance going into a Blenheim at the moment. This will change the way I do them to make 'em more realistic hopefully.
BrandonK - One trick that I learned (don't remember where) to highlight seam defects during the build is to just go over them with a silver sharpie marker (or silver paint - but a shapie is easier). It really make defects pop out whether its grey, white, or black plastic. In fact - I used it on my hurricane build to check the fuselag seams - you can see it in the photo that I took before the first coat of dark earth was applied. I paint with acrylics - so I can paint right over the sharpie "ink". If you use enamels, you may have to seal it so the silver doesn't bleed through a coat of fresh enamel. I'm really not sure though.
Johnny - That Harrier kit is a sweet little gem. I built one last year. Airfix did a great job engineering that kit. Get ready for some marathon decaling sessions.
Scott - Instructions Schminstructions. You got this. I never even thought of "tack gluing" before. That probably would have helped me on one of my last builds - I'll have to remember that idea. Thanks !
Greg - yeah - at speed, on a smooth water surface, it might be like just driving down the road . . . but any disturbance in the water or in the air . . . it would make me really nervous.
Justin - That Lanc looks intimidating ! As both an aircraft AND as a model.
Bish - back in the saddle with your computer ?