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[quote user="cbaltrin"]
modelcrazy While I'm working on the P-40, I'm going to start the 57. /quote] Very cool! I picked my first car kit about 6 weeks ago -- 67 AMT Impala. I'm so tired sometimes of painting stuff drab colors abd flat coating. This could be addicting...
While I'm working on the P-40, I'm going to start the 57.
Very cool! I picked my first car kit about 6 weeks ago -- 67 AMT Impala. I'm so tired sometimes of painting stuff drab colors abd flat coating. This could be addicting...
My wife wants me to paint it Champagne. I'm not sure that will go well with chrome.
Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.
Boy, everyone's getting a lot more work done than me. Looking good, all. I did make some progress:
Got the lower half of the wing on. Don't know if it was just my copy, or if they all are that way, but the front of the wing was concave where it meets the fuselage, Should be a nice flat butt joint. Did a little sanding and added some strip styrene before installing which left it a bit closer.
IMG_20170914_171214688_HDR by David Brownlee, on Flickr
A little more styrene, some putty, and some sanding and it is good to go. Looks smoother in person than what it does in the picture.
2017-09-15_08-26-27 by David Brownlee, on Flickr
Notice the 1960 copyright stamp. The tooling is older than I am!
Looks like this GB is hitting it's stride. Lot's of great work going on. Been working on my fw190 lately. Was going to post some pictures, but I am runing out of disc space which is causing my laptop to crawl at a snails pace so I am moving a ton of image files to my external HD. Then I'll Defrag and be back in business!
On the Bench: Too Much
68GT A little more Jug progress.
A little more Jug progress.
68GT, Now this is just what I need to re-energize myself for my P-47 build. Personally I can't do a RAF T-bolt. I have to have a wavy demarcation line for the underside color :-)
See you at the finish line!
[quote user="modelcrazy"]
GMorrison There's just something about a Republic aircraft. A lot of something. Its easy to see that this thing is the grandfather of the F105.
There's just something about a Republic aircraft.
A lot of something.
Its easy to see that this thing is the grandfather of the F105.
Couldn't agree more! There something about EIGHT .50's too :-)
Someone was building a bearcat in this GB. I have never cared much for F8F's; however, I had never really seen a real one either. Last weekend I was a Willow Run airport in MI and saw this guy. Thought I would post it here for some inspiration!
Nothing like vintage mid 60s model kits!
On Ed's bench, ???
Hey, I didn't realize that it was the old Revell kit! Good times, got one on my built shelf, too.
mississippivolThose putty spots look familiar, lol!
On just about any F-4 build...
F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!
U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!
N is for NO SURVIVORS...
- Plankton
Going all stock on the 57 PJ?
I did some more Phantom today.
I'm in luck also cause the old kit decals look to be in great shape.
Roster has been updated...
68, a camo scheme always looks attractive on a Jug... and you rarely see Brit P-47s built, let alone a SEAC Brit P-47....
plasticjunkie stikpusher Yes somebody did a build like that recently... but I can't remember where I saw it on here... thats me with a DO17Z . We were visited by Irma here in Central Fl and still without power and a sketchy internet service. As an old Miami boy who has been thru hurricanes since 1965, this one made Andrew look like a sissy.
stikpusher Yes somebody did a build like that recently... but I can't remember where I saw it on here...
Yes somebody did a build like that recently... but I can't remember where I saw it on here...
thats me with a DO17Z . We were visited by Irma here in Central Fl and still without power and a sketchy internet service. As an old Miami boy who has been thru hurricanes since 1965, this one made Andrew look like a sissy.
I could swear it was a Spit or a 109... a single engine fighter is the one that comes to mind...
glad to hear that you made it thru fine.... my son is up at Moody AFB not too far north of the Florida panhandle and he had no problems there with Irma... aside from having to eat MREs... the horror!!! LMAO!!!!
Too many models to build, not enough time in a lifetime!!
Modeling is an excuse to buy books.
I did a little work to the Thunderbolt and I keep thinking as to how I'm going to finish it. The RAF SEAC decal option is starting to grow on me. Instructions say dark green on ocean grey but I think its suposed to be dark green on Dark Earth. What do you think?
Pretty much indicated Dark Earth and Dark Green or Olive Drab.
On my bench: Academy 1/35 UH-60L Black Hawk
I like where you're going with that scratchwork O.
After doing some more work on the gear, hear is what the presentation should look like.
Hey FSM,
I figured I'd work on something while the filler on my Super Hornet dries. So, since rotary winged aircraft are allowed in this GB, I'll be trying to get a UH-34 built alongside my F-18E.
I'm planning on building my kit with the cargo door open, so I decided to paint up the inside with a little color. I don't know if the yellow egress markings were found on UH-34s, but I think it adds a little visual interest to the interior.
Also, since the side door will be open, I used a few tape strips to build some netting to cover the open hatch at the back of the cargo hold. Again, not 100% accurate, but it gives the viewer something to look at.
That's all I've gotten done on my helo. I'm hoping to go back-and-forth between my builds. My goal is to work on one while I'm waiting on the other.
Again, feel free to comment, question, and/or criticize. Thanks for looking!
-It's Omar, but they call me "O".
The one I saw was a 109. I can't recal if I saw it on here though. It may have been Pintrest or something.
I was going to do my usual prop blur using a plastic disk with a hint of sharing for the prop blades. This time I will be trying just the spinner with the blades cut off and the spinner filled and smoothed. I've see this done before with some success. The trick is making the spinner look blurry,
That will be interesting to see... and a prop blur or motorized?
Here is my P-40 so far. Watching the airshow the other day inspired and idea. To show the P-40 on takeoff so I'm modifying the gear to replicate this. Here is the right gear in mid retract. Noticing the way the P-40 gear retracted, they both would break the gear down lock and one would hang until the other retracted fully or sometimes almost fully. The hydraulic pressure then retracts the other. The right gear will be in mid retract while the left will be hanging. I replace the olio strut with wire and modified the olio scissor. The gear is not glued in and I have more work to do to make the length "fit" in the well. If you look closely you can see 1964 stamped in the well. I could go crazy, again, and add detail in the wells but I'm not going to go that far. I want to finish both builds before the end of October in case I need to relocate to Dallas and maybe not be able to get to or finish the second kit for a while.
Obey the old Lab!
oh yes, he wants a treat now also...
I'll get you onto the roster in the next day or so here O.
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