I really don't care what you call me. It's all good.
Very nice job with the Dornier half of the project. It looks very good from my end!
(Oh, and about the second language thing- don't worry, I don't understand any of it!
Yes, I have huge plans for this Group Build, especially with my as-yet-unstarted project. But sadly, my budget isn't on the same level.
Big idea + No money = Doesn't work very well!!
As I said before, I'm pretty much starting from scratch. But, as of right now, here are my
exact plans for my part.
1. Use two of the 1:72 Revell Germany Ju 290 kits to make a Ju 290Z, scratchbuilding the center wing section. It should be relativly easy, as the part doesn't have any taper, dihedral, or chord change.
2. Get the PM Me 328 kit for the back of one of the Ju 290Z fuselages.
3. Scratchbuild a couple of Pulse Jets for it. (I
refuse to spend God knows how much on the Huma kit!
Back to the budget issue again...)
4. Scratchbuild some kind of catapult mechenism for it.
5. Maybe get a few Hs 293 anti-shipping missiles to load up the wing racks.
Optional 6th Step!
5. Moterize the sucker! [:0] Because of various technical issues, this is still in the might-not-happen category. I would like to do it, though.
As as switch, maybe have a turret as one, or something with the Me 328...
There's going to be a lot of small details, too, but that is the just of it.
Why do I feel this is too ambitious for my own good?