OK then, it's kind of official (I'll ask if we can get this 'stickied', but also moved to the 'Techniques' forum, where I hope more will be able to see our progress, and maybe be tempted to join in): we have a Group Sculpt!
The list of members so far:
Jack 21771
and myself...
Use whatever medium to sculpt whatever you want. The idea is to see how others do, share experiences and tips and hopefully learn some useful things.
Whatever you are sculpting must be a 'major' part of the completed model/saynete/diorama. A couple of tarps on the back of a vehicle will not do...
Conversions of existing kits/figures are allowed but the extent of the conversion must radically change the nature of the subject.
Start date: 1 June 2004
Closing date: 1 December 2004
Finally, if at all possible, share as much of your sculpt as you can, through pictures. And have a great time!