I´ve been stoped for the past couple of weeks due to some travelling and family affairs, but I've setled a deadline for this and some other projects. The last weekend of September there is an important model show in the Lisbon area, and by then I plan to have at least 10 models finished (most of which are well on the way), this one being, I hope, the cherry on the cake. This means it has to be finished by then, but I'm hoping to finish it sooner!
in the meanwhile I took some time to read more about this aircraft and I even ordered an additional book on it, so, it wasn't totally waisted time...
However, I took and important decision, which will affect the overall construction. I will reproduce one of the Roland-buildt aircrafts, and not one from the Halberstadt factory, meaning I will have to enlarge the fuselage, by cutting and adding a slice of plastic card. The Roland-buildt Halbies where longer that the original ones... all because I just love the four tone fuselage of the roland built aircrafts...
Check this one, in the Munich museum...