Here are a couple of challenges I have run into on my build. I don’t know if it’s due to over zealous sanding or the molding being to shallow but the fuselage is not very round. See the dark gap between it and the circle template? This is going to require some shimming and putty.
Second one is the gap between the wing and the fuselage, I put blue tape on the top of the bottom half of the wing to help show the gap. Some of the gap will go away when I get the fuselage a little more round. I also have a little more sanding to do to the wing, which will shorting it slightly, then it will have to be filled with some shims and putty I’m sure.
BTW this is how I ended up scribing the wing, rough cut it first, laid some dymo tape and scribed it from the inside. Left a little more material to sand but seemed to work fine.