Tom The Martlett is looking good.
I see what you mean about the Reno racer look though!
Looking forward to seeing it weathered up.
As for me I spent the weekend cleaning up the bogie wheels of the Semovente, all 36 of them!!!!!!! See the picture below;
I was going to paint the wheels on the sprue then take them off for tyre painting. As it was i decided to pre-shade, therefore I needed to take all the wheels off the spue and clean them up, before putting each one on a cocktail stick for painting. All of this was decided at 11.00 Saturday night, and seemed like a good idea at the time!!!!!
Anyway, Sunday saw pre-shading applied, and a first few tentative coats of Gunze H79.
In the back ground you can see the wheels being masked ready for painting. This time I've put them in pairs as they will be when complete, and I'll only be masking and painting the outer faces.
No wonder armour modellers all get that look.