Wow.. a whole lot of posts...
Well as far as "overspray" I have some on my right shoulderblade... seems it quite resembles a skull with flames enveloping it. I first noticed it in my past modeling (and US Navy) life.. 21 yrs ago.. (wow it really bites to be old... just starting to feel it as I am nearing my 40th birthday, Kremps says don't worry... she'll always see me as the young man of 11 she first met and fell in love with )
Luckily I had some sage advice from an old Navy Chief... he said don't get anything bigger than your palm, nothing with a womans' name on it, no nude women, nothing on your arms or hand below where a cuff would fall when in a suit, in case you interview with a conservative... the list goes on...
Darren - hope it's ok to mention the old hag in this GB...
Jules - yeah you look a little different than your online image portrayed to me... but all the same you're still welcome to come down and let me take you on a tour of the ships and air museums down here.. Actually any of you fellows are more than welcome down here as long as it's not you being thrown out by the missus and needing a place to live!
-= edit =- unless you like to iron clothes and cut the grass... we might be able to negotiate!
OH!!! I forgot to mention Jules... nearby the Lone Star Flight Museum is the complete fighter wing from Tora Tora Tora (the original planes from the movie, still flying) along with the B-17 they used in the movie that came in on one gear... let me check when their local airshows are because it would be worth scheduling a vacation it around then.. believe it or not for around $300 US you can take a ride on that B-17 when she is back on the line, the wife said ok, so if you're up to it and it is certified to fly again, I'm game!! (right now she is having her wing spars replaced, <the plane... not my wife>) AND I have been checking into train routes around here and I think you can pick up one fairly close... I know in spring and fall the lone star museum puts on a good show along with the US Navy or Air Force displays that fly in so I'll forward all that to you via email... And if ya don't make it up here... we'll have fun planning it all the same!!!
Chris - nice looking tank! looking forward to your build for this! what FS numbers did you use painting the gerbil? haha I noticed theres some good demarcation lines on it... careful masking I am sure!
Tweets - I was luckily sober enough tonight to curtail my usual modeling expedition before it became tragic... been a hard couple of months at work and sometimes I need a little liquid sleep... hmmm... I feel a "All soused up and the missus is already gone to bed" GB coming on... who's with me? (knowing the "usual suspects" this could actually become a reality... )
Jay - you'd love to meet my brother in law.. he does the MS150 here every year along with any other race he can get into. I am envious in the fact he has so many nice bikes. a Trek Tandem (it cost almost as much as my wife's car) and about 11 other Trek and Specialized bikes in his garage. His route is from San Antonio to Austin and back (Texas) .. I bought a Trek Navigator 300 hybrid and have been trying to get more into it lately.. still working on a 150 though!!! (actually still working on 15 to be honest haha) He swears I can do it but I guess I am a little scared of having to ride in the van halfway through it... (like a sissy) I need to work myself up to it.
Dave - looking good!!! I see nothing wrong with the mottle.. I'm to chicken to try more than dots so you're a step ahead of me!!!