That ~is~ an RC tank, but thats a scratch-built charging unit. Look at one of the old Futaba 3-way switch harnesses and you can wire up something like that in about 5 minutes with a jack (like that shown) two Tamiya-type battery plugs (one male one female) and some scrap wire. $25 is laughable , as it probably only cost him $5 and a half hour to make (i could do it for $5 Cdn!)
And my advice, look at his other auctions. Then the prices, all Buy It Now... would you pay that much for them? I wouldn't. That 'improved' traverse gear is scavenged from the Tiger 1 static box (those of you that bought one, go check that toy gearbox) For $10 you can buy the whole box as an Edu-Kit, and get 4 or 5 usable gears, and have the motor and plug left over (plus some hardware)
I've dealt with the guy, and I'd advise you to ignore the stuff. Read the feedback in eBay. He'll charge you for time & gas for going to the post office ($7 s/h for the wiring or gear, when a padded mailer goes for $2?)
Respectfully (&speaking from experience)
WhiteWolf McBride