NOW he tells me this...
You wanna go through each part assembly mentally, and note down the tricks? I might not have wrecked them knowing this beforehand.
After trashing 2-3 bolts worth of the pieces, I suspect I may be able to complete the rest... forgot about the
wicking action of parts... but some of the bolts are 'hidden' so I can scratch 'em with wire.
Whats the 'trick' for the wingnuts? I thought about assembling them on a piece of tape sticky out around the wire, gluing 'em, then removing or trimming the tape and slipping them off the 'assembly' wire.
Someone needs to do up a file of "Aber 1/16 Tiger Tips & Tricks to Assembly", as some of us who've never done PE before (or forget stupid crap like this) need an assembly-by-assembly tips list.
I mean, a Tamiya 1/35 without any text is one thing... even a 1/16... but this Aber? Never had a nightmare kit likt this before... even the Bruiser gearcase was easy... (opened it to fit ball-bearings)
Yea, this from a mechanically minded guy that can strip almost any RC car, clean it, and re-assemble it again, no manual...
(now where did I bury that copper foil tape I had... )
One thing these parts have done is gimme some interesting ideas for my Sherman fit-out... and NO, its NOT just a target! (my M4 has the DMD/MF, the KT has just DMD, and the Tiger may be just twin-ESC...)