Yamafreak your bike looks good. I also struggled with the rear fender decal, it seems to me that sometimes these decals are expected to contort into the strangest places. I might re-do my whole bike at some stage!
Judging from your comment it seems we all get to a point where the enthusiam drains away and you start to think of the next kit. This is usually when there are a hundred little things still to finish and they seem to go on forever. This is just about where I am with my NSR Mugello bike but hope to finish in the next few days.
I note your comments Joel on the test kit you have received (btw Joel your Kawa is looking great) As I have said before this Mugello kit from Rennaisance is my first resin kit and to be honest I have found many problems. I had written most off as part of the deal with resin and vowed that I would probably never do this media once I had finished the South Africa NSR test bike. As you mention the resin in places is very thin, I spent ages repairing nicks and damages, the parts of the cowl do not line up properly (I tried heat to bend them to shape but did not have much luck, will have to try and sort this out when finally putting it together), the chassis is very crooked once put together. The mounting hole for the main fairing support on the left side of the frame is simply missing. BEWARE the rear shock is extremely fragile, mine has snapped a few times now (especially when you put the spring in under compression, I cut the spring shorter to relieve the pressure which seems to have worked for now), I think it would be better to remove the thin part and relace it with a bit of metal rod before putting the whole thing together. I have found the decals quite difficult, very thick and not too responsive to solution (to be fair with some patience they have ended up quite nice). The main issue with the decals is that on the main side cowls the printed hole for over the side vents is just too big and far forward so you end up with a white edge when it should be blue. This is all the top of mind stuff and I am sure there are a few more things I have forgotten, as you can probably see I am pretty disappointed!
Anyway will finish it and probably do a straight out of the box Tamiya just to restore my faith.