I am waiting until the morning to open mine with the Family. They always talk about opening one early but go to bed and I am still on the night shift sleep clock.
As for the flowers ? Hey they grow back. The rubber and palm trees may tend to clog Chalene up a might bit. Be thankful I didn't have my camera when the butterflies were flickering about the sunflowers this morning. 73 right now so Merry Christmas! Guess we got our 4 hours of snow this winter although it just officially started 4 days ago didn't it. I like winter as it means no Hurricanes! Even now all the golden arches on the McDonalds signs are still hollowed out and dead broken trees are everywhere. Many things and many people are just gone for good. Odd they never spoke about the death toll. Very sad and so many lost their jobs right at the Holidays. I really count myself lucky and blessed as I check on my snoozing family. Best gift anyone could want.
I think about the CAG's message and remember those odd surreal lonely Christmas's in strang far away places and how it passed. I always think of the fellows who endure that sacrifice for whatever reason. I am very thankful for them as well.
Must be feeling better now cause I'm picking on Nam and upseting Frank and making everyone sigh in general. Even been chopping on a model or two. Chopping is the word. So all in all I may not be wealthy enough to buy everybody everything but with a wonderful family and friends like I have met here, I consider myself very rich indeed!
Merry Christmas to all again and again! May you be as happy and content as I do!
Just for you guys Frank and Nam! Only 3 more months and the Blue Bonettes will be in full force!