Ahhh Bloody 'ell I go on Holiday for 48 an' yer all pawin' the Lasses!
Scum bags ye' all are, but gotta say I like the afterburners on that Kitten!!!
Aaron go puke, it's alrite and we'll be occifers o' the watch agin, cause damn ther' eyes the officers are a'layin wit' the nurses.
It's a Rum thing and a pistol te' yer heads I'm embarrassed by the cut o' the jib o' this crew, but I know (Dam, spelled that right and me wit no eddycashun!) it's the SEEZZZON on Brother and Sister Hood an' I Love you all no more or less that me' DOGS!!!
Got the Marlin outa th' stash and she's a Rum thing. I'll breach 'er defences and start on her soon!
Roger don't let on t' the CAG abt the donkey head in the Rum keg, and drink up ye' lot.
Happy Holidays!!
Billy Bondo, Lt. Cmdr. NAW GB, CWO PBY GB, and generally pissinnna pants friend.