Oh Dave it isn't as bad as the optivisor pics! Gee wilikers! Dee would be the first to tell you my bum is one of her most valued assets.
Anyways true story. Years ago while stationed in the 24th Infantry at Fort Stewart Ga, I had come home exhausted feeling worn out. Dee had planned a romantic evening but I fell asleep before anything exciting could happen. ( don't laugh it's happened to y'all too I am sure) Anyways jilted she wrote "Born to Squeal!!!" on my sleeping behind with a bright pink permanent marker.
The alarm awoke me at 5 AM the next morning and off to our morning Army work out I went! Several calistetics and a 6 mile run later I collasped in our formation. Seems I was tired due to a 104 degree fever that I was unaware of. Off to the hospital they took me. Stuck some IV's in my arm and after a blood test determined I needed some anti-biotics to combat the sudden fever. Well It was a double shot of something to the gluteous maximus. (both of them) Oddly no one would give me the shots. Seems like when they tried they broke up laughing to tears and ran off. Finally a nurse was able to give me the shots and tell my self conscience ego the cause of all the laughter.
Moral of the story? Ya got me?