Looking good Derek. Glad to see the Aber gremlins didn't break you.
Tigerman. Adding PE is a matter of personal preference and sometimes I feel people just add it because others do it, not because the kit needs it.
Aber produces frets with parts no sane man (this from someone drilling out DML indy links) would contemplate using. Of the Aber I have used, half of the stuff usually gets thrown in the spares box. Eduard and Royal Models are not so detail fanatic, but often they still give you parts to replace items that don't really need to be replaced ie, Ever seen a shovel with a flat square profile handle?
Then again, I have seen guys use every bit of PE only to cover it up with stowage, figures and tarps, etc.
At the cost, you wonder about their priorities.
My Panther is seeing the inclusion of PE intake grills, side skirts and front Fender extensions - all items not worth the effort of scratch building. Everything else is being scratched and only because I want to leave all hatches open. The only concession to this fact is that I am also using the eduard "zoom" tool clamps. This is a small fret that only holds a number of both early and late tool clamps. Whilst not as detailed as Aber's clamps, they look as good on the kit and are waaaayyyyyy less fidely.
My progress: Will finish the scratch building of the forward compartment today (found my missing Radio and engine panel assemblies in Mr 4 year olds Lego truck. 'How did you get that?" I asked. "I got the stool and climbed up to the shelf when you were doing the washing. I needed a radio for my truck and you weren't using it because you didn't glue it in that (Panther)" was the reply. I guess this will teach me to educate him on what I'm building). LQ, I'm sure we share the same child!!!!
I hope to start painting the interior tomorrow, yahoo!! Oh, Oh. The lure of the Sherman build is getting stronger....must resist.....must finish one kit this year.......nearly there.....just a little longer.....you can do it.........