I'm depressed. I was concerned that my compressor might not be working properly, but I don't have to worry about that now, as my compressor has
disappeared. I mean as in, vanished from the face of the earth.
Oh well. The remote chance of finishing by 2/1 has completely fled, I think unless I take the rattlecan route, and I am beginning to shy away from that. I like to preshade, then block in colors, and there's no way I can do that with a spraycan. This, I have decided, is particularly important for a one-tone tank, particularly when that one tone is dunkelgelb.
That said, I am still fiddling with all the PE junk. I got that horrible tool fret for the forward port side of the tank done, and have my fingers crossed that the teeny parts will stay on when I jam the tools on the racks (which I will do when I'm almost done painting the tank). My new Eduard barrel arrived and was stuck on the tank. The Mirage grille screens are pretty good, but I'm having a little trouble getting them to sit flush. I also have to damage them -- these things always got the snot kicked out of them, and were heavily torn up and dented in -- but the damage is not looking like it does in photos of actual Panther grill screens.
I also corrected the fret that holds the tube onto the mid port side of the tank. For some reason, it has a big L-shaped bar running horizontally along the top of the tube. No photo of any early A I have depicts this bar, but it was an absolute pain removing it and cleaning it up. Actually, Eduard's PE set has several things on it that don't tally with my photo sources, like the track hangers for the turret and some other little bits. But my sources are limited to the Wiking photos I am using, so maybe other Early A's had these things.
After all this work on PE, I'm feeling a but stupid that I will be putting the Dragon track links on, with their solid guide teeth. I may use the Friuli set I was saving for my Panther G, but that will require ditching the sprocket I already built and painted.
Despite all the griping, the thing is coming along. My wife said last night, "oooh that looks very impressive." She said she liked the color of the grill screens and I had to explain to her that they would be painted. Maybe I will leave them brass, just for her.
I love this hobby!