Scott-A lot of excitement being generated here. Looks like it's gonna be a great GB.
I'm still undecided regarding a build, but I am exploring options and I need some input from you regarding qualifying battle locations-would the Kurland (Courtland) Bridgehead qualify? Battle was late '44-May '45 against the Russians in Finland. There is a drawing in "Tigers in Combat I" that shows a mid-Tiger of 1./schwere Pz. Abt. 502. Not sure if I want to tackle zimm yet though......
Also, for all the resident Tiger experts in the group-it's my understanding (based on limited research on the internet) that Pz. Abt. Kummersdorf of Pz. Div Muncheberg received some 're-built' early Tigers late in the war and used them in defense of Berlin. Bison markets decals for one of the said Tigers. I have the Tamiya early kit in the stash-what changes (other than removing the air filters) would be required to make a 're-built' Tiger? One question that comes to mind-were just the filters & hoses removed or was the tubing on the chasis removed and replaced with a different cover?