the doog
Thanks for looking in, Wayne, RX, Bish, and Steve!
STEVE!!! When are you going to post something new?!!?
Hey Karl,
WELLLLLLL ............ goes like this.
My Porsche VK45.02 has been sitting on the counter for quite some time now. I'm building it with a radical yet feasible look that hasn't been depicted anywhere before. It should be interesting, not to mention conveying a "Mean and Dark" look (or at least I hope it does). All I have to do is get motivated and decide how I wanna paint it.
I'm tired of looking at it and I will not start another kit until I finish it.
Here's why It's been so long.
Was dealing with burnout, then my mom passed away 63 weeks ago as of today (in total agony), then dealing with memories and guilt, THEN, boxing up and moving out everything from the house (basement included) and loading into a storage facility by myself and spending nearly the whole last year fixing up the place out of my pocket without any help (except for when my son was home from college - which wasn't too often).
At the end of the day I still went to the gym as always (I never miss that) and afterwards went home to an empty house too tired to work on any model. I just wanted to sit down in front of the TV and doze off. Anyway, bit by bit - I finally got it all done. Now I'm dealing with getting it sold. It's all been on me, every single detail.
Tomorrow, I'm going out with my boy to see that new Hobbit movie he wants to see.
And now, the recent really cold weather in the unoccupied - unheated house has caused the sheetrock to contract and caused small cracks to return as tiny hairline fractures in the areas I fixed, so I'll have to go back over them when the weather gets a bit warmer...... nothing major, just aggravating since I had repainted all of it and now I'll have to go back and re-mud and match-in the paint on a dozen affected areas.
I'm so sick of it.
I'm hoping to have all of this house business done and behind me by this May.
And well .... that's the story.
Good to see 'ya putting up some good quality stuff with all the tricks doog.
Being involved with the house and all, I guess I missed that finished Takom Objekt 279 you were working on. It was surely looking super and I was looking forward to seeing the finished outcome. Do you know what page it is finished at so I can see the result?
Rest assured, I'll get this one up .......... eventually.
Sure hope you and yours have a great Christmas season too.